Ruber thread

CHARMING singalong, Yas Forums, but can we get down to business?

What about MOI LAND?

Attached: 1426995947129.gif (300x167, 537.32K)

>Zero posts
Had the ruberian age ended? This cannot be accepted

It would appear so.
>old flavor of the month thread?

Attached: tumblr_inline_o7uxsipVZt1tmiz4d_500.jpg (453x314, 27.46K)

This man was a genius! Sometimes, I wish I could turn myself into a sword person. I think the world would be a better place if I was a sword person

Attached: Dark Technologies.jpg (640x360, 30.24K)

user speaks for all of us

What would you do if you could become a steampunk robot man anons? What part of you would you change to a weapon?

It’s like his unibrow is alive

The sheer amount of animation put into /ourboy/ Ruber is staggering. Especially given how awful the animation was in the rest of the movie.

I have a plan! It involves Wuhan!

Attached: Ruber 4th wall.png (1600x856, 613.37K)

Did anyone save the Ruber template and its edits?

I would go around and shake peoples hands, but whoops, I cant do that because I have a sword hand so you'll have to shake my left! I would also have to relearn how to write with my left, or get really good with using a sword to slice messages into things.

Why there?

With just one drop of *coof* this bat

The thread where this guy was first pointed out was so fucking funny and I'm glad I was in it when it happened.

It's really fucking sad just how much potential this movie had until WB came in and said "fuck it let's just ape Disney as much as possible".

Just because Ruber has a dick, he still was just a flavor of the month

You gotta admit the sheer balls on this man, standing up in front of Arthur and the whole assembled goddamn knights and declaring with all the air in his lungs: "This king sucks, I'm gonna kill him and become king now", and he proceeds to chimp the fuck out on all of them.

Alpha as fuck!

Attached: Ruben sandwitch.jpg (640x360, 27.26K)


Attached: Rubber Part 1 The Oaf.png (1666x3444, 1.71M)

And the re-examination

Attached: Rubber Part 2 The Betrayed.png (1566x2327, 591.01K)

Attached: Ulthuan Shall be Mine.png (1920x1080, 90.24K)

Attached: Now Watch Me Create My Skeletal Army.png (1920x1080, 100.89K)

Attached: Quest for Couronne.png (1920x1080, 84.68K)

Here's all the Ruber edits I made. What a fun experience Ruber was at its height.

Attached: dammaz kron.png (1920x1080, 342.09K)

>tfw fogot to save mine

Ruber was an absolute beast of a knight, bodies the others who get in his way with ease and only thing stopping him was Excalibur.
Then he proceeded to go on adventures building an army and did shit like making a griffin his bitch and punching dragons to death.

Is the thread saved in any particular place? If it is, can you share the link?

I don't know I got the image from a screencap thread

Reminder that this based motherfucker took on a dragon like it was nothing

I was wondering why I was feeling such an odd amount of PRIDE today, and then I found this thread
Bless you user.
Remember that time Yas Forums sang Ruber?


That's what happens when you're animated by Richard Williams' son.