Is Midnight Gospel any good?

I watched the first episode and it seemed like a show about people waxing philosophical about how sweet it is to do drugs.

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The other episodes aren't about drugs specifically, but yeah it's basically GOOP lab animated

It's basically Duncan Trussell's podcast, animated. Don't approach it like a scripted show.

It is Duncan Trussell's podcast, animated. They literally just took clips from it.

Yeah dude, that's what I said

Its not all about drugs but its still drug addicts/upper class californians talking about new-age spiritualist bullshit juxtaposed against what can at best be described as adventure time holdovers.

Yeah it make sense that it wasnt scripted

It felt really weird that this show has a premise of a guy interviewing people but he actually made it all about how he almost died of aspiration pneumonia and did acid.

The premise is good on paper but either you concentrate on the visuals or what they are talking about. The unscripted thing really makes it harder to follow. I'm ditching this after episode 2.

Oh god. Did they fool me into watching that GOOP Labs show?

after watching th first 4 episodes im convinced that you arent supposed to pay much attention to the characters speaking, its so disconnected from everything else going on that it would only make you feel really confused anyways
its nostly about looking at the weird shit going gon and once in a while hearing something interesting come out of once of the characters
its certainly not a thing most people would enjoy

GOOP is essentially just Gwyneth Paltro's weird ass marketing cult.
This is just a bunch of middle-aged hippies and druggies rubbing whats left of their braincells together to parse what they learned from reading the wikipedia page of buddhism.

Watch episode four, first episode to join the interview and the animation and also imo, the best episode.

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I can't get into it at all. The stuff that is happening on-screen is a lot funnier and more interesting than what the characters are talking about, and they're not even trying to bridge a connection most of the time. So I find myself tuning out the audio and just watching the animation. Trying to listen to what they're saying and pay attention to the animation gags feels like trying to play a video game while I watch a movie. One of them is going to get more priority than the other, it's impossible to give them equal attention and know exactly what is happening in both. You'll only get the "gist" of it if you try paying attention to both.

I also don't care about the interview topics. I don't care about spirituality, drug culture, and I don't speculate on what death is like. It's nearly the exact opposite of stuff that interests me. I'd rather have people talk about their space exploration research and then translate that into a way of explaining why we're here in the universe instead of speculation on the soul and other concepts that cannot be proven.

>rich people ennui vanity project

hard pass

Yeah. That's the main problem, like, in order to get into what they're talking about you gotta focus on it.

But you can't really do that when all this wacky shit is happening in front of you, especially when it's so disconnected.

Man y'all are boring af


Would people be interesting if they enjoyed it?

Wait wait wait... what if we watch the show IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE WITH NO SUBTITLES

My statement has nothing to do with weed.
Not necessarily the show itself. I was referring more to the adamance with which most here are claiming spirituality is nonsense. I shouldn't be surprised considering I'm browsing the hotspot for degeneracy that is Yas Forums, but still. What's even worse is that most of these chucklefucks are parroting "dude it's just buddhism" when it also covers Gnosticism, and really just religion and spirituality at large/as a concept. I just can't imagine not having at least a slight interest in those things unless I look back on my days as an edgy, teenage atheist.

I think that people's main problem isnt the topic that is being discussed but is that it's being discussed by a rich folk who think of themselves as if reaching a new form of enlightenment.

And I think a lot of people would be projecting there. There's a difference between stating your personal views with confidence and acting enlightened. In fact I'd say most fall into the trap of the latter when discussing this show, as if they think their opinions on the matter hold more credence than someone else's when they can't even show a basic understanding of what's being discussed to begin with lol (going back to "dude it's just buddhism!")

That's fair.

The show is still really fucking weird to watch.

There's a huge difference between a statement of opinion or personal view, and a statement of fact. "There's two reasons to do magic. One is for manifesting something, and that can be anything from a parking spot to the career you want." This is a statement of fact that you can use magick to materialize a parking spot.

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I'm a druggie who loves to talk about pseudo intelectual and spiritualist bulshit with my friends and I hated the show. The animated podcast format was so dull

As a druggie with pseudo intellectual and spiritual tendencies. What did you think about the subject itself? And they've spoke about?

You'll get no argument from me there. It'll definitely make or break it for some people, but fortunately for me I enjoy that.

Are you even trying? That's an example of one of many things one could potentially manifest, and likely used because of its smaller scale. And if you know anything about manifestation and even buy into it, it really isn't far off.

Are you >implying that you can manifest a parking spot?

Again, do you have any knowledge of manifestation? If so you'd know that yes, you could. Not a parking spot specifically for you, out of thin air, as you seem to be thinking. Think more along the lines of one being open for your convenience.

>What did you think about the subject itself?

The idea had potential, but many other have and still fall flat, this is a diolog heavy show that failed to have me engaged in the dialog. The way I see it they needed to have at least a little bit of plot and characters before jumpint straight into the characters talking for 10 minutes no stop.

>you could
I'm not asking about myself, I'm asking about you. Can you personally manifest a parking spot "being open for your convenience"?