You got a tight little manpussy on ya, dontcha?

You got a tight little manpussy on ya, dontcha?

Attached: Wabbit.jpg (1280x720, 57.42K)

Not so tight ever since the birth

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Reminder that since Warner Brothers legally claimed MeatCanyon's video as their own, gay rapist Bugs Bunny is canon.


I'm going to give you 25 cents to fuck off.

That's why this ultra autism has been spammed in Yas Forums?
Some retard got a coypright strike for using a licensed character, trying to make money off classic trademarked cartoon?

Fuck of autismo

>nooo! You cant parody corporate properties! Not the heckin copywritinos!
Do they pay you or were you just born like this

>Still doesn't get how it works
Can't way to make a video saying you rape kids then you take it down and I saw it's true that you do this since you responded

Nah mate think it through. Disney didnt take it down, they claimed it
Since they claimed ownership of it that makes it an official disney animation
That means an official disney video in the official disney cannon has bugs as a struggling rapist

Bugs Bunny is Warner Bros, not Disney

Not OP but whatever. Just stating facts.

>Disney now owns LT
What the fuck am I reading lmao

give me one valid reason to find this funny
pro tip: You can't

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>Looney Tunes
If you don't even know this, why the absolute fuck should I believe that you know about copyright law and the difference between legal ownership and official canon

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The "canon" part is autistic, but the fact remains that WB bothered to go after an obvious parody with a copyright strike instead of just doing a takedown notice for the teeshirt the guy was working on.

Its obvious they only did it to keep it from interfering with YouTube searches of the new Looney Tunes show, though. They own Ben 10 and E,E,n E, bit haven't struck those yet.

>It's canon that Ed Edd and Eddy con the neighborhood kids with dreams of paradise before murdering them.
>It's canon that Gwen and Ben are fucking.

Attached: fwPvQ9.gif (320x180, 1.13M)

Okay I give up, what's a manpussy supposed to be ? The anus ?

The absolute state of this board

Yes, it was stupid of you to even ask that.

Why wouldn't the urethra be considered a manpussy? It's the only one men can have exclusively and you can fuck it.

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oh no no no no no

I mean the Ben and Gwen fucking I believe

My man.

Wow, I've seen some retarded people over the years but you top the list

What the fuck are you on, you retard?

Fun fact: all of looney tunes used to be directed at an adult audience, these characters were originally meant to do adult things - it wasn't until later times when WB decided these were for kids

It's not a coincidence that audience reactions fell off around that time too.

Are you a total moron?

Hmm it's sort of in the same way that Nintendo claims super hornio bros as their own

To my knowledge he already was