Bart Vs. Australia

How did Australians react to this episode?

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How many dollarydoos is that?

Their Australian accents sucked

Not as bad as the hues did with the favela's episode

Probably too drunk to notice, really.

It's a shit portrayal of Australia but Australians don't care because they just like the attention.

It was like 911 for them, but they like the attention.

Like everyone else. They thought it was funny because it's still part of the Golden era.

You only get offended when zombie Simpsons do it.

i laughed my head of mate!, i think the episode took more of a dig at yanks who have some werid view of australia

Australian accents are the suckiest and exist to be made fun of, mate.

You're not Australian

yes this is true, they make the worst voice actors

I liked it as a kid. The only joke I really took offence to was the flag one, but Simpsons does the whole "it's on the flag!" joke for everyone so it's okay.

if u say so

Here he is, he used the S word

Too fucken HARD for ya Matey???

I always hear online that we were outraged by it but i have never met anyone that didnt think it was funny

That’s not a Cockney aaccent.

Or do we agree that Cokney is just so,e horrible, retarded black speech lower than the tongue of the deep ones?

Australians were offended at first but It changed over time when Zombie Simpsons kept trying to re-do the episode in different locations but not offend everyone (Except the Brazil episode which offended Brazil in its representation and everyone else in how unfunny it was). Now it's seen as a classic in Australia.

Probably better than how they reacted to any South Park episode with Mr. Irwin in it.

Nah. They make the best Orks


Brazil had an episode before zombies

Example them painting the house bright colors so they don't look shit. Then they painted the rats brightly colored too.

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Ooo, they look like Skittles!

Heh, if i look at the bottom of the pic they look like running backwards

Aye, mates! What's the good word?

900 dollarydoos?!

>30 years of Electricity

Half of them hated it, half of them seriously wanted to rename their national currency to 'dollary-doos'.