What are some cartoons or comics that seems to get universal praise everywhere but Yas Forums?

What are some cartoons or comics that seems to get universal praise everywhere but Yas Forums?
>Inb4 Yas Forums doesn't like anything

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Yas Forums doesn't like anything

Steven Universe and Hazbin Hotel

Yas Forums only likes coomer crap

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Anything Disney related. Especially Frozen.

I dunno, gimme an example.

Monstress is critically acclaimed and I don't fucking get it. The coloring is great but the writing is atrocious.

>Hazbin Hotel

Attached: angel soldier.png (482x492, 195.27K)

Gravity Falls. The only place I've ever seen it be criticized is here. It's a masterpiece of TV animation elsewhere

SU has a pretty big hatedom elsewhere, it's seems you're either a diehard fan or hate its guts
It's just more apparent on Yas Forums because everyone is bunched together

If Yas Forums hates it the cartoon isn't universally praised

Monsters Inc.

Everywhere else, it's a Pixar classic. I'm not saying Yas Forums necessarily hates it but I've seen a lot of people shit on the premise for being stupid, and especially the little girl because "she's just there to be cute and make people go aww instead of being an interesting character". It got worse when Monsters University came out because everything they were working towards was practically invalidated by the ending of Inc.

People hate Monsters Inc?

>Hazbin Hotel
Yas Forums here, every weekend we play TF2 together, I made this my spray because one nigger wouldn't stop fucking micspamming that god damn song about her dream of a hotel.

I swear I have it memorized now.

Attached: hurtthedemon.png (873x1024, 908.82K)

It's more apparent on Yas Forums because there's a discord specifically for raiding Yas Forums with their calarts trany shit.

Fuck off you piece of shit. Fucking pedophiles doxxing underages, you are lucky you are behind a computer screen.

I wish


Don't play dumb. You doxxed a 15 year old and in the exact same thread an user uncovered shit like this.

Attached: 1586656958490.png (1823x535, 220.94K)

Here's some more.

Attached: 1586577403403.jpg (876x2306, 783.54K)

What the fuck is this? What the hell did I miss?

Ok what the fuck is going on
Is it the same discord mentioned

Attached: 005.gif (400x276, 790.12K)

Is this the designated schizoposter thread?

For context
This is the party Yas Forumsan chat on Steam.
Anthony was a 14 just turned 15 year old who frequented the party van and got shitted on for being underage, as well as not being a sheep and hating the oldfags.
In the same thread these screenshots were posted, his full name was posted, which was not mentioned on his account or anywhere known, implying he had been doxxed. This reply was deleted.

The whole thread was then spent shitting either on the Yas Forumsan or the dude who posted these images, since according to Chug and everyone else in the Yas Forumsan, being into transgender furry lolita is a perfectly okay thing. They also said these screenshots were unrelated, or even faked.

This is from a TF2 server the user was talking about.

So this is just one big shitpost?

No, this isn't a shitpost. This is shit that actually happened, that has been proven to have taken place, and is the exact same server that was being talked about in >How do I know?
I know who this person is judging from the spray and the person who he was talking about.

>No, this isn't a shitpost.
You're right, it's not just a shitpost, it's bait.
You sound like you've been baited pretty hard.

I'm not baiting.
For more context.
was talking about a 17 year old micspammer by the name of "Gaylord" who plays a ear rape version of "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow" on Yas Forums's Party Van. This user (who's name I forgot since its been a while since I've played on the server) changed his spray, and later decided to micspam said song whenever Gaylord wouldn't.

Stop trying to deny the evidence. Your efforts are futile.