Why are they so underrated ? I actually prefer them over other popular films of that era like Madagascar or Shrek 2

Why are they so underrated ? I actually prefer them over other popular films of that era like Madagascar or Shrek 2

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I don't get why Shark Tale doesn't get memed on
Its Will Smith as a fish

Robots is underrated.
Shark Tale is a top-tier meme but a terrible movie.

This. It's a meme waiting to happen.

They're simply not as funny, energetic or visually vibrant as Madagascar or Shrek 2.

Most people are warming up to Robots, Shark Tale is dead center in the "shit all along" public opinion, and that's nto going to shift unless a popular youtuber says "hey this was alright actually".
It's an ok enough story, but fishes with people faces weird people out, it's kind of just built on the premise "what if godfather/will smith but fish", and it's been a while but people say it rode pretty hard on pop culture references, and for some that only gets you so far.


Hold my space beer.

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damn, i had a folder of Robots reaction images but its all gone.

Shark Tale was never a terrible movie. I actually like it more than Shrek 2. At least ST had a heart and some cute moments. Shrek 2 is soulless

Am I the only one around here that liked both of these?

Critics exagerated when saying that ST relies entirely on pop culture references. They're plenty of actual jokes, and most of the references are about timeless stuff like Jaws or Godfather. If anything, Shrek 2 is the one whose references are stuck in the early 2000s ( Fellowship of the Ring, Raimi's Spiderman, etc )

She was better than Fiona. Change my mind

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It's so weird how she doesn't say a word in the final 10 or 15 minutes of the film, which include the climax and dance party ending. Did Halle Berry leave the recording studio in a hurry ?

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Shrek 2 was visually vibrant ? That's pushing it

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Take the same sentence and reverse Shark Tale with Shrek 2 and you'd have the truth.

Shark Tale has some cute moments and an overall lighthearted atmosphere. Shrek 2 is just cynical. Also, the underwater city was a more appealing setting than fairytale Beverly Hills imo

Shark Tale is about a guy who only cares about status and wealth putting his own life and the lives of others in danger just so he can pretend to be important. That whole film reeks of cynicism. Shrek 2 makes Far Far Away a parody of LA that feels like a shallow Facebook tier commentary about Hollywood, but at least that was actually funny.

These 2 were based. Ziggy Marley and Doug E. Doug were having way too much fun

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LOTR is timeless, though.

Oscar only took credit of killing the shark so that the jellyfish hitmen wouldn't kill him. He had no choice, although it was his fault that he ended up in that situation

I know, but Fellowship came out in 01, and Shrek 2 made a reference to it only 3 years later, which dates the film

To be fair, Oscar didn't intend anyone to get hurt with his lie. He literally thought that no shark would ever approach the city again because of the sharkslayer rumor. Heck, he really doesn't seem aware of his actions, coming across like a dumbass, not an asshole

What was the reference again?

nvm it was the wedding ring

This guy got it wrong. Shrek 2 had the reference, not 1

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Writing is generic and kinda dry. But the premise, setting and visuals really make up for it.

It took me years to get the joke about the raining rocks.

You all gotta admit, Shark Tale starting out with the Dreamworks fishing boy casting a worm in the ocean was pretty clever. The entire opening scene is kino

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Of shark tale was going to be a meme it would be one buy now. The kids who grew up on it didnt care and thus no memes. Any new memes now would almost certainly be forced bullshit.

>Protagonist's Best Friend give him her Grandmothers Pearl so he can pay off his debt.
>Protagonist bets it in a horse race because he overheard two random shmucks who said the race was rigged.
Real likable protagonist you got there.

Before you mention it, No. Will Smith fish giving her the Pearl Necklace doesn't make up for it.

shark tale does have memes tho i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/672/338/5bc.gif

Oscar was being a dumbass there, not a dick. He owed money to a loan shark with mob ties, got a black eye as a warning, yet still bets the money anyway. He obviously wasn't thinking of the morality or outcomes of his decision, plus deluded himself into thinking that his friend gave him the pearl to bet it

That's literally his expression before betting the money. Does that look like a rational and intelligent person ? He wasn't an smart asshole like Kuzco, just a dumb guy

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