Well, all i could say is that the Singapore government paid handsomely for these characters

Well, all i could say is that the Singapore government paid handsomely for these characters.

Attached: SG plagarism funded by government.jpg (800x859, 170.07K)

What is this?

Superhero characters made for the Singaporean government to promote Corona awareness. Their embarrassingly hacked off designs are just another reason they shouldn't have left the Empire.

They're they new Thunderbolts.

What's the deal with Ann Frank's giant robot?

Now I need that robot in Confederate colors. Stat.

Jean Grey, Night Thrasher, Peni Parker, Dr. Olivia Octavius and Phoenix Force Cyclops

Dunno whether if i can say if im proud to be a singaporean, or ashamed to be a singaporean.

The plagiarist also include some backstory:

The Jean Grey ripoff:
>Care-leh Dee (pronounced Care Lady) uses empathy to absorb all negativity, or to send torrents of powerful emotions to her target. Not ordinary even in person, she is Diyana Amperthee, a female trillionaire philanthropist of unknown age.

>Backstory: Diyana made her trillions from prudent investments and then decided to go for a year-long meditation experience in the remote mountains of Kathmandu. She got trapped during an avalanche and during the two-month ordeal, which she survived, she attained unusual enlightenment to become Care-leh Dee, having gained the ability to feel exactly what others around her feel.

>Abilities: Able to make others feel better, and also understand how others feel through telepathy.
>Temporarily absorb negative energy and thoughts.
>Weakness: When she absorbs negative energy, she needs to meditate to purge it from her vessel otherwise it may harm or kill her.

The Night Thrasher ripoff:
>Fake News Buster wields the Mallet of Truth and wears a suit with force enhancing nodes to generate power when knocking sense into people. Otherwise, he is Felix, a corporate cog data cruncher in his late 20s.
>Backstory: Felix was a flat earth believer until he failed his geography in secondary school and could not follow his girlfriend to the same JC. Devastated, he denounced flat earth and all things fake.
>With his single-minded focus to study and memorise all the world’s information, he became a walking supercomputer, and a legit Fake News Buster to eliminate what he deems to have cost him his ultimate love.

>Abilities: Walking Wikipedia and Google combined. Able to decipher big data and cull out facts or known truths.

>Weakness: Maps or anything resembling a map (including suspicious-looking birthmarks) will render him into a temporary state of catatonia.

Oh, yeah. These guys. People mocked these so much on Twitter that Singapore cancelled it. lol

His "sword of justice" symbol is pretty cool.

for real?!

The Peni Parker ripoff:
>Circuit Breaker is a highly advanced robot piloted by a 12-year old girl, Mini Moh.

>Backstory: The girl was volunteering at a nursing home as part of school CIP when one of the patients took a particular liking to her. She then gave the 12-year old a tiara which, when worn, will unleash a humanoid machine – Circuit Breaker.
>Powered by solar energy, Circuit Breaker is a biomorphic entity with Mini Moh controlling it through neural signals. Mini Moh is sharp with her words (to hide her insecurities) but has a soft heart.

>Abilities: Hypersonic speed that is above Mach 5.
>Can control any digital equipment with a chip in it within a 50 km radius.
>Can achieve lossless data compression ratio of up to 1000:1.

>Weakness: Solar power storage of up to 48 hours.

>Mini Moh
that name irks me for some reason.

The Octavius ripoff:
>Dr Disinfector can detect the presence of any virus or bacteria and she dons an exoskeleton suit with extended multi-appendages to eradicate and disinfect. Ordinarily, she is Sonya, a microbiologist at Singapore Clinical Research Institute in her mid-20s

>Backstory: Sonya graduated summa cum laude from MIT with double degrees in chemical science and microbiology at the age of 14. A failed experiment during her doctorate studies caused her to shrink to the size of a microorganism. Her colleague then unwittingly washed her down the kitchen sink.
>She survived the ordeal and returned to normal size. But the trauma left her with adverse reactions to germs and ultra-amplified her senses to even the smallest bacteria, making her perfect as Dr Disinfector.

>Abilities: Able to detect virus and bacteria through sight, smell and even sound from the vibration of their movement.
>Wields a multifunctional treatment gun with various capsules containing antidotes and boosters.

>Weakness: Cheesecake.

Her initial name was Darshita(Dar-shit-a) though.

Attached: xzAoISvl[1].jpg (466x640, 41.48K)

And finally, the Cyclops ripoff:
>MAWA Man enforces safe-distancing (Must Always Walk Alone) as he repels people and objects far apart. To his friends, he is Manzoorakkaman (Man Man for short), a sports super agent in his late 30s.

>Backstory: Man Man is a fanatical Manchester United fan who grew up in the 80s when Liverpool kept winning titles and he was constantly taunted by his two Liverpool fan brothers. This made him despise everything Liverpool including their motto You’ll Never Walk Alone (YNWA).
>His hatred for Liverpool so far exceeds his love for Man Utd that it manifested as a telekinesis power in MAWA Man to push objects and people through his eyes.

>Abilities: Repelling power to push objects and people back, aided by a digital distance meter through his eyes.
>Uses a special helmet he invented to control the magnitude of force and calculate other tech stuff.

>Weakness: Cannot stop Man Utd fans from gathering as he will be compelled to join them.

And the plagiarist was previously quite a high ranking civil servant

I guess that's how this sort of shit happens when cronyism is rampant.

Attached: WHPNguO[1].jpg (696x1088, 112.98K)

>paid handsomely for these characters.
how much are we talking here?

IIRC, part of the cancellation isn't just the fact that they were mocked on Twitter, it was also because one of said heroes is staunchly Anti Liverpool (Football team) and wears it proudly on his suit. Which is hilarious in a way. Imagine a superhero who wears an anti baseball team insignia proudly.

Suddenly Malaysia's Cicakman and Keluang Man aren't so bad as SEA superheroes go.

That one's one of the best, right next to Da-Shitter here.

Honestly though these aren't as bad as the Nu-New Warriors.

The ONLY bad part about Singapore is not annexing the chinese parts of malaysia directly adjacent to the island and instead letting the malays flood in to leech off of chinese greatness.


>Ann Frank's giant robot
I would actually read this comic

I like Nurse Ock.

and i like not!JeanGrey

I think I like all but the red haired lady.

>Origin: Rich
>Powers:Not a goddamn sociopath.

I love this guy. He sounds like a character from the Tick. What's crazy is that this is a legit format for writing a character: Was a bad person or had a serious flaw, the character trait leads to a trauma, he becomes a hero from working out his trauma and seeks to stop it from happening to others.

Better than Trailblazer. I really thought the robot would turn into a car with the look of the thing.

She is pure sex.

This won me over. He hates a soccer team so much it manifests telekinesis. Also it's great that his secret identity sounds more outrageous than his superhero identity.

Why is their insignia the British Fascist symbol?

Attached: enternalanglo.jpg (256x256, 13.18K)

Maybe they’re just big Bowie fans?