Kill Six Billion Demons / KSBD / K6BD

“In that moment, Metia discovered that the weight of a god was slightly less than that of an empty welk shell.

She hurled her opponent ten leagues with the flick of her finger, and that was that.”


The popular and ever relevant phrase 'All Cops are Bastards' can also be read ACAB which a friend of mine has jokingly read as 'Assigned Cop at Birth'. White Chain was quite literally Assigned Cop at Birth so I think we all have to cut her some slack here.

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there is no ethical consumption under salami davititalism


Well screencap user, I was stand corrected. Gloat away.

>blue jacket and red scarf user was right

he lives!

i want to give that mantis head pats


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Cio and alysson look like they had the time to heal during that one second of carnage

Goodbye WC

Only trust your fists. Angels will never help you.

82 Punk Chain

83 white chain here we come

Man, there has never been a page more anime than this page. The inspiring speech, your friends telling you to stand down, and especially Vigilant Gaze marveling at witnessing an ancient legendary technique.

It's so fucking anime. I never really felt any page was really anime but this one absolutely certainly hits all the cliches.

Seems to me that White Chain's character arc is finally approaching its conclusion, nice to see some real straight up honestly from these characters about their fuckups.

Wonder if we're gonna get something crazier than what white chain had been doing when fighting Allicio, maybe some art from an angel other than Juggernaught?

He just loves being smug.

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Manual of Hands and Feet

>An internal, cold-atum style said to be as ancient as the gods themselves. It is said the god Ovis taught it to the first angels, who taught it to the first human, Metia. The style involves miraculous alignment of the body’s meridians to multiply the muscular power and striking force of bare handed strikes tenfold. Since the style relies heavily on the cultivation of internal force, its external strikes may seem unassuming to the untrained eye until they hit their target with the force of an ox cart.

>It is said masters of this style can so precisely align the channels of power within their body that they can project the force of their blows at range, sometimes up to thirty or forty paces away. One old master of this style, who dwells in Fifteen Rivers, makes a great show to visitors of striking a heavy cast iron bell some 5 or 6 shins high with great blows from his fists, though he stands apart from the bell quite some distance.

>A practitioner of this style must take tremendous pains to use it effectively. The style was originally developed for battling and destroying various titanic void monsters and unbound devils, and is rather difficult for humans to learn. A student must train rigorously, keep a strict diet, and maintain fine bodily control in order to effectively utilize its techniques. Therefore, it has always been an unpopular school, seen as somewhat old fashioned. None, however, deny the power of its techniques, which include YISUN’s Open Palm, widely regarded as an unbeatable move

How likely do you think that White chain has YISUN’s Open Palm up her sleave?

i feel very confident that white chain is going to die. not get poofed or sent back to the angel waiting room, just die

surely she'd have used it by now

Unlikely. White Chain is only just now realizing she has to fight the very system she was born into and propagated. It's very unlikely she'll be lying to the universe right out the gate, and even if she did, theres no way she'd be able to muster up a puff of a fart that could even ruffle Slammin Damnin's coattails. Jugg's has been alive far, far, far longer and has likely held the Art for a large portion of that time.

>especially Vigilant Gaze marveling at witnessing an ancient legendary technique
hell yeah, it's great

Possibly. We know a strong enough attack will kill an Angel even when they are in their armor and not in the Void. If theres any being capable of killing an angel outside the Void it would be a Demiurge. say run goes with everythingg

Angels straight up cannot die, there will always be and always has been the same number of angels. If zoss couldn't kill the angels then Salami can't. Unless you mean reincarnate, in which case yeah theres a decent chance.

Is 2 Mike and the gang going save white chain by starting the invasion?

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The incarnation we know as White Chain will effectively die though.

I guarantee that this book is gonna end when solomon is at his most smug and then gog, the thorn angels, jagganoth, or all three start their plans and absolutely wreck shop.

Maybe the angels bust in, causing solomon to say something that pisses gog off and she goes apeshit, which then prompts jagganoth to start his plan a little early or something.

Angels keep their names and general personalities, as well as some information, through their reincarnations it should be noted.

Also if she does die then either some key bullshit will have to happen or we wont see her for the rest of the story since even an angel in her age will take, like, at least a year or two to revive.

You're probably close
According to this we're in the endgame

>The fighters who did nothing aren't even caked in blood

Dumbass animu theory time: There's been talk about what happens if a devil inhabits a angels stone armor/ if there's large stone bodies for multiple angels to control at once like big angelic voltrons on Abby's tumblr. Given the situation and the nature of serial escalation, both of those things (particularly Juggs showing back up) would be appropriate as just one more thing to Salami to crush

I think it might be a suicide move of some kind. That's why she has been rebirthed so many times.

It looks like at least one of the contestants that was fleeing is there among the spared, but it may be because they managed to take a knee before the slaughter began.

She used it against Allicio I think

maybe, angels do explode when their armour is busted after all. do burns count as drops of blood?
