Young Justice

Was a genderfluid Muslim refugee really necessary to the story?

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A good story doesn't need to be all-inclusive to stand up on its own.

I don't think that means what you think it means

No but a mindwiped ai using a dead muslim as a skinsuit to pursue eastern european dong was.

No idea, I just know that she talked about how she doesn’t identify with any genders and Megan applauded her for her bravery

This is what Greg called her so...

She had a fatass and that's all I needed to like her

Fancy words for bisexual.

fancy word for hopping on the transgender trend phase and being special without changing a thing about yourself

she would be murdered if she lived in an islam-dominated country.

gender identity =/= sexuality

But both complicate each other.

True, true. Britain is a dangerous place.

You're right. You're either male or female, and you're either attracted to males, females, both, or none at all.

Why are people so mad that a genderless AI possessing a corpse would not be quick to attach to a gender?


Kind of the least of the show's problems, really.

The most quintessential point of the season is representation and how the youth can defeat evil white conservatives.


Shut da fuck up

Someone answer me this because I have never understood this: Isn't non-binary or genderfluid the exact opposite of progressive?

They hinge on a person's view of genders to be highly stereotypical. They admit they see the world as male or female. They see all women as make-up wearing dress lovers and then state that they are "non-binary" because they DON'T like that. But from the 70's - early 2000's, the movement was all about, "Girls and boys can do whatever they like, they don't need to be defined by their gender. A boy can like dolls and a girl can like sports!" type of message. Now it's the exact opposite, "A girl can like sports, but she probably identifies as non-binary if she does". Or, "A boy can like action figures, but if he's genderfluid he'll switch to wanting to play with dolls on a whim".

These people want to live in a world of xir and xim because they don't like gender labels, but then they follow a movement that aggressively structures itself around the idea that everyone is a stereotype unless stated otherwise. Am I completely missing the point of this movement? It seems a lot worse than just the, "Girls and boys can do anything they like without being labelled".

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An reanimated body controled by an AI with no sexual desires needs to care for genders, because you know, trannies need to identify with eldricht horrors


No idea whatsoever. Phrase just keeps coming up.

>he's only now discovering that half of the reason these people get shit on so much is how fundamental hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance is to the "movement"

wait until you get a load of liberal values

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just because you guys are offended, doesnt make it bad.

If you are triggered by girls or hats or girls in pants and hants or something....go watch something else


thats like saying " GOD, is being from Krypton necessary for supermans story?!?"

if something offends you, just say so. dont make up excuses

The story normally goes:
>People are so mentally fucked in one way or another that they want to be special
>Decide to follow the 'Trans trend', as opposed to being actual transvestites because "I want to be a minority too because they get attention"
>Attempt to be trans without actually being trans, decide that they don't really wanna be Male/Female, but have to keep up the "I'm technically trans" facade
>Basically say I'm feeling more like a boy/girl and adhering to stereotypes on the two because they're not actually progressive, they just want attention
>Immediately shoot the positive message in the foot by saying I feel more like a Boy/Girl today, submitting to gender-stereotypes
>Become or honestly were already schizophrenic in regards to their personality
And here's the part where I "undermine" my own statement by saying "And they all hang out on Tumblr"
But the main gist of it is:
>People want to be different and get some form of positive or even negative attention because they feel fucked over in some way

I liked Young Justice on CN but bringing it back like this was a mistake.
The new main characters fucking suck and the budget’s been slashed so it looks like a powerpoint half the time.

They're just straight girls who want to be part of an "oppressed" group but don't wanna go full tranny

why is the muslim Genderfluid, doesnt make since for me, knowing conservative cultures of the middle east

Good. Islam is right about genderfluids.

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nice dubs, you gave me a chuckle

TERF bigot detected.

the attention seeking , i'm a special butterfly subcultures of old were so much better than what we have now

we didn't realize how good we had it when cute girls with daddy issues would just be goth/emo instead of picking a mental illness from a grab bag

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>Kate Leth

That's a name I haven't heard in ages.

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Your white

People bring her up constantly whenever there's a High Guardian Spice thread or a Hellcat/Marvel Comics thread.

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Wasn’t she actually a mother box?

>OP is a wahabist cleric who treats women like cattle

they are though, of course a white women such as yourself belive that you do good, but remember, White women were racist against POC, and who freed the slaves, A Good of Character White Man, and the Help of several northern whites fighting, and who keep them enslaved and bigoted, White rich whores

OK, you meant transgender, not transvestite, but that's a good point.

So that makes them trans trans...? Oh my head.


>gets killed multiple times in ways that are startlingly gruesome for cartoon network
Hell yeah, she was necessary as fuck.


Memri has to be some sort of elaborate joke right?

christ you people are boring

Because the actual muslim is dead and the “genderfluid” is an alien AI that is inhabiting her corpse

Progressivism, like conservatism (I assume) has different schools of thought to accomplish different definitions of equity. It only seems like it should unify into a single ideology to those on the outside looking in.

>That's a name I haven't heard in ages.

you have clearly subconsciously internally censoring her.
This is one of the most prevalent and subversive form of micromental discrimination. Most people like yourself do not even realize you're doing it as society has normalized this prejudiced behavior. It likely points towards you being subconsciously sexist and a bigot.

you need to make amends and correct this behavior immediately
I suggest following her on twitter and donating to her patreon for starters you cis white male scum

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no, it is real, and its beautiful
I know that, Ive seen the show, I also remember that it was some Apocalypse tech that Cyborg couldnt hack right? but Watching it the first time, I assumed that She was always Gender fluid
>a white women
here an image for you

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>Was a genderfluid Muslim refugee really necessary to the story?
No, it wasn't. It is blatant for the sake of woke points. That is why it's trash. Anyone in these threads telling you otherwise are white liberal cucks, and snowflakes who thinks the world of the white man is against them. They never grew up, and never evolved past their self victimized lifestyles.

>you have clearly subconsciously internally censoring her.
Not that poster but it's entirely easy to ignore people like Leth exist when you don't actively seek them out to get mad at.
The only reason I know who she is at all is because this board has brought her to my attention so many times. None of her work would've been on my radar otherwise, since even cursory glances at it tells me it's not for me, and I'd have no reason to remember her name if you didn't put it on pedestal as a symbol of everything you hate.

Not the poster, but oh shit now I remember her, I knew she was pampered and probably upper class

> genderless AI

but isn't she the AI of a MOTHERbox which implies female considering that their are also FATHERboxes

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>kill all men
I hope she gets raped.


She looks qt

I want to fart in her dna.

Remember rich or upper class liberals are spoiled and don't understand the harsh world they are sheltered from. They never worked for their money. They were given it by their more successful parents. Parents who worked for it without placing blame on some invisible cis white male ghost.