I thought we could take a minute to appreciate one of comics best heroines. Before we begin; yes, we all know Aaron ruined her. Both fans and other writers agree on this. Second, and I know this is hard, but let's see how far we can get in this thread without dumping Shulkie images.

We can talk about our thoughts on her various runs, such as Byrne and Slott, or we can discuss our hopes/fears regarding her upcoming live-action solo tv series. What do you like or hate about Jennifer Walters?

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I like that she has a 'normal' job (even if it's mostly superhero cases).

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Superhero law is a fun occupation to explore. Maybe I'm bias because my job actually involves the law, but thinking about the legality and unique circumstances she has to work around is interesting to me. Like for example Spider-Man could only take the stand because they verified his identity with an Avengers security recognition system. It's a thing where the laws are being written with each case. A stark contrast to what Matt Murdock handles


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>Sexy and she knows it
>Strong both physically and in terms of personality
>Confident and self-assured
>Assertive, takes no one's shit
>Accomplished career-woman
>Sexually liberated and not ashamed of it
>Genuinely funny female character
>Not just a female version of a male hero, but her own unique thing
But no, she's much less offensive now because she looks like Donkey Kong fucked the Jolly Green Giant.

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I just love how She is with kids, It's really wholesome.

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If it makes you feel any better, literally no one is supportive of what Aaron has done. Not SJWs, not fans, not writers, and if is any indication, not even editorial. Just say The One Below All made her act weird, and call it a day.

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>literally no one is supportive of what Aaron has done
Muscle Fetishists on DeviantArt love her now & call the old Jen a "FuckToy".
It's really sicking...

A small collection of literal autistic degenerates that fap to Jen either way no one gives a shit about

Bruce & Jen are Cousins but, they're Closer to Siblings.

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>A small collection of literal autistic degenerates that fap to Jen either way no one gives a shit about

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I know the feeling. I'm an only child, but my two cousins are practically my brothers

She was*.
Now she is just retarded

It won't last. Just chalk it up as a bad period. Every character goes through one

>It's a men vs women episode
>Every men in the room gambled on the guy in the metal suit instead of the Hulk person

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When I think of Jen's Personality I think of characters akin to Elvira, Xena , & Buffy.

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Secret Agent Woman, Spikey Thing, Angel Punisher... But I think this has lasted the longest, Plus The Tamaki run wasn't Jen either...

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I don't think anyone was betting on Tony, I think the bet was how long he would last

it's just bad art.


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Well she did fight against The Champion

"That's a Huge Bitch!"

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Yeah counting both Tamaki and Aaaron together(the only difference is Aaaron embracing this with sex negative attitude, while Tamaki had her working to get back to normal) this has "dumb ugly brute" Jen has lasted for like five years at this point. And you have throw in fears about how the streaming show will have her. How much longer are we going to be stuck with this? Or do the people in charge marvel actually want this to be Jen from now on?

I don't think editorial wants this. If they did, wouldn't they push hard for Aaron's She Hulk in Marvel #1000? Off the top of my head both Ewing and Williams have taken subtle shots at Aaron for what he did. I think its more the case of Aaron knowing the right people, or having the freedom to do what he wants thanks to contract. I don't know.

Though I do fear about what the show will do. I would hope it would pull from Slott's material than Aaron's (never thought I'd say that about Slott)

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>sex negative attitude

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>I would hope it would pull from Slott's material

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Oh fuck off, it was fun. I say that as a guy who hates SpOck and his Spider-Man squatting.

Can't Jen just feel lousy after getting shot in the tit with a missile and waking up to a nightmare world after being in a coma? Isn't she entitled to a healthy does of misery or rage after that?