Why has SU taken over this board?

Why has SU taken over this board?

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cause we're based

>why are we talking about cartoons on the cartoon board

asking the hard questions here, user.

It was confirmed a discord group intentionally spamming posts here
They got caught and during one event all of the threads archived at the same time

Real quick
Fact or crap?

>6/125 threads, not counting threads that do get deleted
after a point you need to accept that if something's getting bumped off by some random making a steven universe thread, it wasn't going to get talked about regardless.

This place is called Yas Forumsmblr for a reason.


Futa is gay


Perhaps you're right

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Is it really? Last SU surge was around the final episode air date. Even then, it wasn't as strong as people thought it would be. (People thought it would be Samurai Jack's season 5 last episode reaction or Korra levels). It tapered off since then.


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prove it

I've been seeing like at least 10 threads per day

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Now make one starring White Diamond and myself

Sky stone is apparently mostly oxygen, very mysterious blue rock

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Look in the mirror there's your proof

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probably ranging from 5-10. More so a handful now typically. I mean out of 150 threads in total, that's hardly a takeover.

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Because they're bronies that spam their shit everywhere and the mods count among them and let it happen

Maybe it'll die down soon too anyway? We're almost at a month since the finale and the fandom itself seems more quiet

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God I want to fuck Lapis so bad.

it's full of trannies like OP

Me too. And Blue Diamond

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Youre shamelessly posting in a futa thread and you dare accuse me of faggotry?

Enjoy your ban, faggot.

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seethe harder bootlicker.

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>slime cock
uh, why? this was the exact reason homestuckfags were banned from this board.

>this thread

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It’s the closest Yas Forums thing to an anime and people like anime more than comics and cartoons

I hate all of the filenames of these nufags

Thread ruined, can't coom now

Lapis with whale cock is a thing, dunno why

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