Never realized that pink and rose had the same voice

>Never realized that pink and rose had the same voice
>never noticed rose had the powers of a diamond
>never noticed that pink’s pearl was the one fighting alongside rose
Why are they so freaking stupid?

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Because Sugar is a hack. Come on, man. You should know that already.

They got dumb bitch energy. White the only one with braincells would be in constant denial even she did think of it. Also unlike Blue and Yellow who have seen Rose White was still up in her head chillin

>they never actually physically met Rose Quartz
>they never actually saw her use her Diamond powers
>all Pearls look and sound basically the same; our Pearl is also implied to literally be the default model
Come on user at least watch the fucking show before you make yet another thread complaining about it

>Blue saw Rose and Yellow probably did too off screen
>according to Eyeball there were rumors Rose could heal gems a thing that would be impossible for a quartz soldier only possible for a diamond
>Spinel still recognized Pearl as "Pink Diamond's Pearl"

>what was the Ruby and Sapphire flashback
>Healing tears is something only Rose had as mentioned in trial, something they’d know about because of gem production and pebbles etc
>Pearl has an unusual gem shape compared to literally all other pearls we see and it’s never been directly stated that she’s a default


most of the Diamonds never had much interaction with Rose, only Blue "met" her and you can understand why she might not instantly recognize the voice after only hearing a couple lines and if Rose speaks with a different inflection than Pink. we hear how the Rose Quartz gem sounds too and they sound a lot like Pink which may have been intentional design from Pink but that's a little much speculation. they likely had zero reason to think Pink would do this even if they actually took the time to truly understand her character it would have been obvious.

I doubt they ever saw Pink use any of her powers, she lived a sheltered life with no need to develop them. why would Rose Quartz ability to heal be considered a Diamond-like power? healing broken gems is antithetical to being a Diamond who view gems as disposable pawns. gems have a wide variety of weird abilities like seeing into the future or Peridot suddenly controlling metal so why can't, to them, Rose Quartz be a possibility even if as an abnormality.

I guess they just don't give much consideration to Pearls, they all have the same basic look. and although Blue personally came to the planet to try and stop her, she did say ultimately this "little uprising" didn't mean much to her maybe if they had kept a closer eye on the goings-on they would have known--

Speaking of: I don't even know what White thought of all this, on one hand you'd think she didn't know anything considering she nuked the planet but on the other it's not like she was surprised to see Pink during Legs From Here to Homeworld and her dialogue "Did you get it all out of your system?" seemed to imply she had an understanding of the situation. This is the only part up that is confusing to me and either way you look at it doesn't make sense; she didn't know is likely more accurate considering the existence of the Cluster.

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The Diamonds are a bunch of retards. Why are they scared of the off colors when they invented the system? Hitler wasn't scared of Jews, he just simply hated them and wanted them expunged

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Why alter her design into something it isn't, only Blue has hair of them


Wait, did pearl know who Spinel was, too?


Yeah? That was the point of getting her memories back in the movie.

But if she knew, why would she not just go get Spinel thousands of years ago?
Like, if she knew Spinel wasn't around ever since Pink left her little outpost or whatever, did Pearl never think at any point to go retrieve Spinel?
I mean, even if you say Pink/Rose would have stopped her, after Steven was born, did she not remind the other gems there's this goofy little childrens' entertainer substitute diamond that's really strong and probably useful as an additional protector that has the patience and demeanor to at the very least keep baby Steven entertained and watched over?
Why didn't she just go grab Spinel
Why did the movie happen at all

They broke the warp pads at the end of the war to stop homeworld rocking up and fucking stomping them with their huge army. Did you forget the CG's were down to 3 after the blast?

They aren't "scared" of them, they're just considered defective and disposable. We see how a defect can affect performance like with Amethyst or Papradahdahdadboafbskwhw1 and even just not conforming into their ideas of aesthetics would be enough to get shattered like with the Rutile twins. You know like someone killing their handicapped spawn like in the good ol' days.

Yeah Rose having the same voice as PD makes the whole rebellion stupid.


Back to /trash/ now all of you, thanks.

She either completely forgot or just assumed Spinel was picked up by the Diamonds or left on her own.

So why not go get her after they won over Peridot? She's the one that can repair warp pads.

I feel like if I left THE only other survivor of a horrible war that I know of (because they went to get cigarettes and missed it or what have you) stranded lightyears away, I'd jump at the opportunity to go bring them back as soon as I could.

This makes the most sense, I guess, considering Pearl wouldn't have known specifically about the game.

The cope

In CYM they flinch in fear from them

Literally the only person who knew where Spinel was was Rose, who is dead. Nobody else knew that Spinel was left in the garden.

They invented the system BECAUSE they're scared of the off-colors, they suppress what they find unnatural because they're afraid and disgusted by them.

Oh I'm sorry, do you notice the physical aspects of every ant that you squish.

how in the world is that jaspis

They knew she was Pink’s Pearl. She was a “rogue defective pearl.”

It’s easy to assume that after “Rose” “shattered” Pink, Rose took the Pearl as a spoil of war, or to liberate her.

That they never suspected Pearl of the shattering can be chalked up to no one taking Pearls seriously as people with minds of their own.

Well any Pearl that's fighting and not acting as a retainer could be seen as defective.

Also she was wearing different clothes when fighting alongside Rose vs. when she was serving Pink.

>>Blue saw Rose and Yellow probably did too off screen
They saw them, not hear them.
And even if they did that wouldn't have been that much since all the gems are pretty much equal to each others and also the Roses have all the same voice
>>according to Eyeball there were rumors Rose could heal gems a thing that would be impossible for a quartz soldier only possible for a diamond
Did the diamonds even knew Pink could do that?
1) possibility
2) they didn't
they did, Roses are still confirmed to be healers in the battlefields. So it was a glitch in program for them or simply something rare Roses can do
>>Spinel still recognized Pearl as "Pink Diamond's Pearl"
She saw them together in the garden. After Pink Diamond broke Pink Pearl they gave her another and she take her to the garden.
Pearl recognized Spinel too
>>what was the Ruby and Sapphire flashback
Blue knew that a Rose existed, she never went inside her mind.
>>Healing tears is something only Rose had as mentioned in trial, something they’d know about because of gem production and pebbles etc
Roses are healers.
And they didn't even knew Pink Diamond could do that
>>Pearl has an unusual gem shape compared to literally all other pearls we see and it’s never been directly stated that she’s a default
It was said the magical holographic clam in the movie.
And for the unusual shape you can easily say that it was because she was a literal rebel and everyone were sure Pearl was glitched