How do we fix HTTYD How To Train Your Dragon?

How do we fix HTTYD How To Train Your Dragon?

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what exactly was the main problem?

Sure they had some bad armor design in 3 and no interesting villains but it was definitely a good trilogy

this guy draws porn, right?

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More porn of Hiccup

Ship Hiccup with his dragon

these basically

Keep the Bacon on the side

Pretend the second and third movies never happened.

They steered that story straight into an iceberg. Shame. Damn cool "boy and his dog" tale with some "bonding with a dad that doesn't see the world the same way" and cool vikings and dragons. But they fucked it up, and there's no fixing it.

Adult Hiccup with a viking ax riding on an even larger Toothless (fully grown adult whatever species he belongs to), and the plot involves them becoming humble because they grew too cocky over the years.

idk, I think it would be cool.

It's simple. You watch the first film, and then you don't watch the other ones.

b-but I liked the second movie? What's wrong with it?

user, it's FUBAR. It doesn't matter anymore. But I'm willing to start from scratch with the OC donut squad.

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Did the Box Office of HTTYD2 affect HTTYD3?

holy shit is this how to train your dragon movie still a thing?
I thought that was like 5 years ago

Apparently HTTYD3 was the most profitable movie for Universal in 2019.

Don't think so. HTTYD2 did amazingly well here in Europe, but 3 didn't do so well. I attribute it to the terrible choice of title and everything about it screaming "filler movie".

fuck off.
The first HTTYD is a nearly perfect movie.

The other two are ass though.

the problem with every fantasy sequel. unnecessary lore shit gets focused on more than the character driven stuff that made the original great. I liked 2 fine. It was just okay. 3 was bad. But 2 was emotionally manipulative in a way that was just corny. it had way too much going on at one time just for the sake of trying to expand the world.

If anything 2's problem was that it teased lore and a grand adventure, then immediately traded it away for a 100% character driven, but completely unnecessary story. Too small-scale for its own good. But I agree that 3 was just simply shit.

Okay, now I know something's wrong. When the sequels came out, everyone on Yas Forums loved them. I still think every film in the trilogy knocks it out of the park.
How on earth are we revising history to say that they were always trash? Is this another Sam Raimi Spider-Man situation?

Revising history? Do you not remember that user autistically sperging out about Hiccup's deadbeat mom and his own mother complex in every goddamn thread about 2? And I've been non-stop shitting on 3 in every HTTYD thread for weeks after it premiered in my country.

I must have missed those threads. Most of the response that I saw here was positive. People had their criticisms, but they seemed to be viewed favorably.

Also, you only listed two people. You and that other user.

i wasn't hanging around Yas Forums when either sequel came out. i thought the consensus was that 2 was weak and 3 barely even exists.

Follow the plot of the book, which was actually good
I mean really, the HTTYD adaptation world was butcherd. Hell, toothless was demoted to just being a semi-sapient creature who can't speak as opposed to a lazy, egotistical dragon runt with an ego the size of a mountain.

Also, screw the writers for retconning windwalker so toothless would be bigger
they did ma boy dirty, you know how much i wished he'd be on the adaptation

Hit up the archives, you'll find many more. Those were just examples because obviously I know myself, and that one faggot was very, very persistent. But overall Yas Forums was divided on 2, and largely negative about 3.

Why would you shorten it just to trype out the full title

It suffers from Terminal Conflict Syndrome. Every movie has to be about dragon-human relations in some fashion, and that rapidly got expended. After two movies and a television show, the villain of the third movie seemed utterly overdone and forgettable.

It would have been better if they focused primarily on a man/dragons vs nature. Like there was some disaster that made dragons living on the surface impossible, such as some sort of magical equivalent of an ice age.

I honestly thought they were going to go for a dragon extinction. That's what I was expecting for almost 10 years. But they all just go hide in an underground Pandora for an extremely weak reason. Pissed me off.

Same. I was sure they'd pick something inevitable and irreversible, some kind of natural migration wave or collective hibernation. Instead we got a wowitsfuckingnothing.

Stop after the first movie. Too much bullshit when it came to the cash-ins.