Distant future

>distant future
>paper money

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>implying it's ever a good thing for paper money to go away

Say hello to every single financial transaction in your lifetime being traced, asshole.

Which is why it's unrealistic for a futuristic setting

>implying physical transactions aren't being traced by God and used against you during Judgment Day

rather have god track my shit this faceless government bureaucracy with a sieve for security

Around here businesses are refusing to take cash because of Covid19. An understandable precaution. Maybe this is a permanent change and cash dies, maybe cash returns after we deal with this virus.

We shall know which it is within the next few years.

Put RFID chips into the cash as an anti-forgery measure. Then you can trace it via the phone app people use to check its authenticity.

I'll be honest. In all my years of watching the Jetsons: I don't think they had half the innovation in the function of the society as the Flintstones did. Just weird shit. Like flying cars, floating golf courses, flying superintendents, flying dance clubs, because things fly in the future. Oh and pill food.

>Around here businesses are refusing to take cash because of Covid19
Thankfully this hasn't happened yet in my country, they only advice you to do so. My country loves hard cash

Probably because the ground has become a nuclear wasteland and they had to adapt to live in the sky and flying anywhere, thus it became just a habit to make everything fly.

Cash won't die until there are people who want to do shady stuff.

>Sci-fi series with advanced spaceships capable of intergalactic travel
>Has rocket thrusters
>Needs fuel

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The joke is from the 60's. While I'm sure credit cards and other alternatives to printed/minted cash did exist back then, they were not as widely used back then. If you replace the paper money with digits on a little electronic box, people wouldn't get it.

>o yes papa goldberg let me pay you to use my own wealth omnomnomnom you boots are so good today slurp slurp.

Wowie zowie OP, you're telling me that The Jetsons, a cartoon from fucking 1962, doesn't portray the future very well?
You don't fucking say, please keep blowing my mind, I guess you're also gonna tell me that Original Series Star Trek looks fucking dumb?

This is a problem with literally all Scifi, scifi made today will also look stupid in 50 years.

That's why i always buy crucifixes with my anime figures.
Balance things out so I at least can get a gig in pugatory

It's actually kind of a well known fact that cash is used for a lot of illicit exchanges, including among politicians and political organizations. Cash is as likely to go away as America is likely to start requesting global health and safety standards. There's no impetus for that in the beltway.

>Implying we won't all be using plastic money in the future.

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Based and God is always watching pilled

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>An understandable precaution
no it isn't it's a meme virus

thank god for shady people doing shady stuff

>distant future and utopia
>no black people
Based Hana Barbara

Until they switch to crypto

Shhh! Dont let the fedoras know!

If crypto goes low level enough to be used by the biggest retard anywhere any time then maybe.

/delicious/fag detected

That only makes me fap harder!

>Probably because the ground has become a nuclear wasteland and they had to adapt to live in the sky and flying anywhere

Nope, there is one episode where they showed the ground

Attached: on the surface.jpg (1253x655, 907.52K)

>Distant future
>Sprocket factory

Like flying cars factory would have too much sense?
Is there a joke with sprockets?
I can't imagine that someone thought "sprockets" when thinking about the future

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I think it's just meant as a way to present his job as being mundane and lacking in meaning.

it better be recycled

The Blacks have created Space Liberia/Wakanda
The Asians went to Mars