Even if corona comes /and kills us all I'm glad I can still shitpost about cartoons with you guys

Even if corona comes /and kills us all I'm glad I can still shitpost about cartoons with you guys

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fuck u

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>Go outside to go get some grocery.
>Street is eerily quiet and barely any cars out
>Go to the grocery store everything is clean
>Buy a coke
>Walk home
This is spooky

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I honestly want to catch it get sent to a hospital and die.

i give a shit

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one minute of silence for our dead essentialfrens

i want a coke too

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The world is ending and I'm still shitposting about cartoons on Yas Forums

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If you’re not old or dying already you’ll be fine. The virus has a lower death rate then the fucking flu.

>that one user on /trash/ thats on a suicide shift because his hospital ran out of both ppe and personel

If corona comes and kills me I'll use my last breath to say The game

Damn bros...
How many shitposters have we lost to this chinese virus?

Fuck racist trump for starting and spreading this global pandemic and blaming it on rhe chinese

>OH wow I get to stay inside my house this is great
>Kinda just feel fucking terrified that right now I'm living in a pandemic
>Laugh it off nervously and continue reading Rabbit samurai threads on Yas Forums

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I'm doing beyond my best to hold back my rage in a country where the virus is making it borderline to flat out impossible for SOME crazies, so here's some fun videos to help you out as well. Cheers:


Wait, we were supposed to be discussing cartoon?

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Was it like that one scene in Shaun of the Dead?

i have a panic attack before sleep every night because of the though that if i need the emergency i'll have a higher chance of getting it

>there are people who are afraid of deaths loving and comforting embrace

>implying you wouldn't be reading the meddling bunny murderfest anyway

Based also nice trips

Wish I could get a fucking haircut

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What will the the last thing you do before you die if you get corona, Boco?

I'unno. Say bye to my parents. Apologize for all the suffering I put them through.

Too many stupid white people and black people out there protesting the lockdown and then getting coronavirus afterwards.

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What suffering, Boco?

I just got health/vision/dental before the pandemic hit, and can't use any of it.
I also got a new phone two momths ago that I can't activate.

How long ya got?

Shut the fuck up Boco.

All day

>Not shaving your head

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Well, I--

Yes sir.