Is Huey right?

Is Huey right?

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It seems a little naive to think that the only thing wrong with Friends was that it didn't have any black people in it.

Anyone who takes that strip seriously doesn't remember that Huey was a caricature of Black power in a lot of the earlier strips.

Pheobe was worst friend by far

It was enough of a problem that David Schwimmer threatened to leave the show if they didn't hire more black people.

i mean, friends is the white version of living single...

Whether he's right or wrong what's important is it doesn't matter.

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It wasn't just black people, it was any non-white people at all.
For a series as obsessed with being set in New York as it was, there were more British people than non-whites. In the heart of Manhattan? That's bullshit.

I'm not asking for it to be a big diversity fest but Seinfeld had a more realistic ratio, for example.

Yes, we should all be watching ATL, Martin, My Brother & Me, and The Waynes Brothers

Half of the main cast was jewish, so...


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>Seinfeld had a more realistic ratio, for example.

Lots of Jews too.
Will & Grace made me realize about half of NYC males are gay.

I'm guessing it was mirroring the writers' lives, which as upper class jewish people probably had a skewed view on what life as a New Yorker is.... notable that only one of them actually grew up in New York.

Friends was pretty diverse, I mean Joey was Italian wasn't he.

forgot pic

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Almost all of Europe was covered!

if Huey's problem with eurocentrism is that it isn't afrocentric enough then he's got his own biases to deal with

Real niggas watched senfield

I think that's the point. It's like a movie having an all black cast and people calling it the most diverse movie ever.

So what you're saying is, Huey is a hotep?

It wasn't just a race thing
The entire show is about one particular class of people living one particular kind of life, it's a bubble
There was an episode that addressed than three of the characters were really wealthy while the other three barely broke even, then of those three one becomes a famous actor, one gets married to a rich guy and the other gets a high position in a corporation
They are always consuming this and talked about the things they consume. Not only you should expect friends to represent you, you should feel glad that it doesnt

I'm not just thinking of the core cast though. Stuff like coworkers, extras, those too didn't reflect NYC well at all.

Well, that's not really what he seems to be implying. Both "centrist" approaches here are about excluding/marginalizing the other's perspective. The alternative isn't excluding or marginilizing white people, but having both perspectives represented.
Not that I agree that you should condemn a work just because it has a limited perspective, or praise it for having the proper representation of every walk of life (whatever that would be in practice in a 20 minute sitcom) but it's ironically not all black and white.

Who remembers anyone outside of the main cast anyways?

No. Huey is a racist, as is the author of the comic and anyone who ever thought Boondocks was good.

Italians don't count as non-white anymore.

Let's just ignore the "happy end" here because well, they thought that being rich matters, but let's look before that. Clearly they wanted to include poor people, that's like half of Phoebe's point to a cartoony extent, but the writers just don't have much of an experience being poor or frequenting real poor people, and it shows.
And really she's the only one, Joey only struggles because he's a damn actor, that's a luxury the average fag can't afford, and Rachel is daddy's little girl who decided that working would be better for her self-esteem.

Yes, Friends sucks.

Not in Friends, but I remember, for example, the lawyer in Seinfeld that was a parody of Johnnie Cochran, and the nurse George fucked that didn't speak English.

You don't remember Gunther? Richard? The Gellers? The Bings? Emily? Paulo? David? Joey's crazy roommate whatshisname?

It is impossible to write a story that accounts for all "perspectives," which is a word I hate because it's been appropriated by activists, and no one should try to accomplish such a thing. Whining that white people cannot accomplish this impossible task is typical brainless activism.