Joss Whedon Eyed To Direct MCU's FANTASTIC FOUR

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I'm more okay with this than him coming back for a third Avengers movie. I feel like he's got probably one more decent MCU film in him, just not sure where his talents would be best put.

That faggot is still working? Figured the casting couch stuff canceled him

Yeah, no way in hell it was a coincidence that his Batgirl movie fell apart at nearly exactly the same time his ex-wife outed him as a huge creeper.

No way this is true, I can't imagine Whedon wanting to put up with Disney's bullshit again. Unless he's just in it for the paycheck

Oh hell yeah, I've been waiting for an action movie that wouldn't make me laugh, but would make me breath out of my nose for a half second

I'm going to pass.

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He never casted couched. He cheated his wife. what happened is that plenty of sexy women wanted to do it with him and he was a big insecure Geek and couldn't resist the temptation.He never forced himself on anyone or used his position to force anyone and none of the women he worked with ever complained.

But he cheated his wife. So, he really nevr got affected by #metoo.

Excuse me, if anything Joss Whedon and his boyish good looks were the ones being taken advantage of.

josh weedon is a big fat retard who did the worst superhero movies

Nah. I'm one of the few people left here who recognizes Whedon has qualities, but he'd be a terrible fit for the FF.

Will the Fantastic Four constantly be snarking at everything?


The problem with Whedon snark is not just that it's snark, it's wannabe witty snark. Snark would fit for Johnny and to some extent Ben, but they aren't witty or even attempting to be, and while Reed is witty he's generally not snarky. Sue is neither really. But Whedon often fails to give his characters unique voices, so they'd all be that generic passive aggressive "I'm better than everyone else" snark that probably saved Joss' self-esteem during his formative years.

>Joss Whedon
>Not Brad Bird

That being said put him on X-Men, those guys are assholes anyway.

>Brad Bird
No. I like the man but the FF are NOT the Incredibles, and shouldn't be sold on the premise that they are.

Fuck him for ruining Justice League

That was already ruined

Ironically The Incredibles is the only good FF movie.

>another attempt at a FF movie

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Bystander: "Hey, what's the "4" mean?"

Reed: "4 U."

didn't he have an xmen run in the early 2000s

While that might have played a role, he didn't get along with WB producers during production of "Justice League", and when he failed to make the movie a box office hit like they expected, he became expendable.

I love the FF, but I just don't see how this could possibly be any good.

I'd rather he do X-Men

Only if you consider it an FF movie, which it isn't, and not just on a technicality. The values of the 2 teams just aren't the same. I mean shit, in FF the main guy is the tech wiz, not the fucking villain. The Incredibles are about a nuclear family trying to live up to the image of a nuclear family, the FF ironically despite their age are a post-nuclear family, dealing with different issues.

Yeah. Never read it. It was praised back in the day but it's been falling in popularity since... kinda like most X-Men run after Claremont, really.

How could that even be surprising to you? When has Hollywood ever let anything go because they failed at it before? They're still making fucking Robin Hood movies.

Whedon's run on the X-Men is probably one of the best runs ever