Do you think @MatPatGT is definitely going to watch this...

Do you think @MatPatGT is definitely going to watch this? Do you think @MatPatGT is going to analyze this frame by frame?

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what the hell is this

This pretty much looks like asking a solely Yas Forums user what an american cartoon is

Vardoc: the animated show

Didn't the game already tell the whole story?

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he only talks about popular stuff that would get him views, so probably not.

It looks like liquid chocolate explosive diarrhea

That's sad

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>simping for Game Theory

Out of all the video games to make a cartoon of? Doesn't the publisher own Pathologic and Party Hard?

What's wrong with making a childrens' animated series about a child kidnapper?

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I think this is an alternate universe

There is a concerning number of people defending the aesthetics on the basis that it's a pilot and will probably look different when it's made into a full series. It's gonna be shit regardless of what they do or don't change.
Is there a modern cartoon more out of touch and soulless than this?

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Soi Universe

Hello Neighbor pilot
Hello Neighbor being a video game

I bet @Matpat would love this

Really trying hard to be the next FNAF.

I don't really keep up on this kind of thing but wasn't the game kind of shitty and broken?
I seem to recall it being in early access forever but that seems to be the standard in low to mid budget of games these days.

The way they've handled this is so utterly pathetically retarded

>desperately publicly spam MatPat only to be ignored by him
>get meme'd on for being desperate
>instead of embracing the meme, start hiding all the meme replies
>hidden replies can be viewed separately so they end up garnering more attention than the few comments praising/hyping the pilot

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So what was the neighbor’s big secret?

big black dildos

I fucking resent gaming youtubers. I shouldn't cuz I know it's technically their fanbase that does the damage and the gamers themselves are just doing their job but my god. How many potentially amazing projects have they ruined by bringing it to the easily lost attention of millions of ADHD-ridden autists?

I assume the game's semi-viral fame is what led to the pilot being made.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if this pilot is only being shared because TinyBuild pitched it years ago and only recently got the rights back.

The game had no story except for vague BS that lead to nowhere.

The real question is why do horror games played by youtubers get so much gay porn

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>"why do horror games played by youtubers get so much gay porn"
>that style

literal tween fujos

Why do girls see a violent psychopath murder monster and the first thing they think is "bet he's gay"

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> but wasn't the game kind of shitty and broken?
>I seem to recall it being in early access forever
The ‘finished’ aka released version managed to be even worse.

His kid and wife died so he kidnaps other kids or something.