This is the worst protagonist in cartoon history. GOD she is such a fuck up in every single way. Korra exposes Avatar's writers as being hacks.
This is the worst protagonist in cartoon history. GOD she is such a fuck up in every single way...
>This is the worst protagonist in cartoon history.
Fucking newfag.
At least she's hot
you've got a point there
I’m gay so she doesn’t even have that.
The writers may be hacks, but the artists certainly knew what they were doing.
>This is the worst protagonist in cartoon history
The lead from Last Kids on Earth gives her a lot of competition.
What a coincidence, she's gay too
Women can't be gay, they can only pretend to be.
Korra is a shit character, both in terms of where she fits in-universe and the overall impact she's had on the Avatar meta.
She's very unlikable, suffers from a bad case of aesop amnesia, is always defined by her failures, and the world always finds some reason to idolize in spite of her failures in-universe.
She was deliberately written as a flawed protagonist. I know the majority of Yas Forums won't get this but young adult women don't get to be the fucking lead of any cartoon that isn't girly as fuck. At best we're a sarcastic or bratty sister or sidekick. Korra's not fucking perfect and it's GREAT. She's one of the most realistic, angry and failing female teen leading an action cartoon that we ever get. Guys get shit tons of guys leading action cartoons from all kinds of personalities, so fuck off and leave us to enjoy finally getting a chance to be out there in the spotlight with all our problems too.
>stops like six villains
>worst protagonist in cartoon history
>fuck up in every single way
I want Korra to step on me
she isn't.
but was she really that bad?
With inuit style seal fur boots.
Baning Homosexuality > Genocide on the entire population of Air Nomads
>Korra knows her priorities
I know this is bait. But there is a difference between a well written flawed protagonist and a badly written flawed character. The problem with the Korra writers is they really misunderstand what maturity in writing is for twists and romance shipping. It isn't that she is a fuck up or unlikable, she is just very poorly written with no real nuance to her character's actions.
That's the most confusing way to say "I like watching women suck at being a hero" I've ever read. Especially because it comes with a side order of "can I please have more women who suck as leads" attached to it.
I like her
is this the only cartoon you have seen kid?
fuck off
She is
Almost like the topics for /co are rather limited.
hide and sage whorra threads
This is her ONLY saving grace as a character and at that point she may as well just be a one off fan created OC.
Bump Korra threads
Participate in Korra threads
Always reply politely to Korra posters
Its just waifufags who want an art dump but are too cowardly (or newfag) to post actual NSFW.
tfw no brown muscle gf