A female leader gives up her life to bring a male into the world

>A female leader gives up her life to bring a male into the world
>Male ends up being 100x better as a leader than she ever was and is constantly saving her female follower's asses
>The female followers are constantly incompetent and having emotional issues that the male character fixes
>Male fixes most, if not, all mistakes the female leader made
>Female society is broken for millions of years and it takes the male character only 2 years to completely fix it
>Male character isn't randomly gay in the end and gets the hot female gf at the end of the show

Was Rebecca Sugar actually based this entire time?

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Him and Connie don’t get together, they’re bad for each other

Objectively, not only are you wrong, you're also stupid!

Attached: Steven-Universe-Future-Connie-1-1.jpg (740x370, 28.16K)

SU is great in having a fairly conventional set of moral messages that emerge by accident from the compound efforts of dozens of conflicting morally subversive messages.

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They don’t end up together. He moves on from her

Why is this the hill to die on?

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Because people need to understand that what he and Connie have is incredibly unhealthy
That was to be polite, the kiss was the last kiss, as Steven is planning on never returning and starting a new life

The gems are also socialists turned free market capitalist.

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to be fair almost anyone would lead better than Rose

>He never comes back
>They likely cheated on each other
Connverse is confirmed sunk

Stop projecting your sad lives on this kids show, dumbasses

>Stop projecting your sad lives on this kids show
So what you've been forcing on this board that hates su with su for 8 years

>only socialist society to function, even if poorly, for millenia
>citizens literally dont need food or shelter, and dont die unless they get killed for their crimes

is that true socialism? it that why it never worked for us?

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Better than using it as a form of escapism. He’s on the road, she’s going to college, they’re gonna fuck other people because they’re human beings. She’ll suck off her teacher, he’ll suck off a truck driver, that’s life

@ rebecca sugar and the crew

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>hes going to be trucking and fucking on the road all over america
>shes going to college

so shes gonna end up w more STDs right

Isn't entertainment, especially for kids, meant to be escapism?

I don’t know if Steven can get any

Steven can self-heal and he can heal whatever Connie has anytime he kisses her, it doesn't matter how many people they fuck while they're away from each other.

It's all good.

hes gonna grow up to be a chad

No, as in his biology allowing him to get an STD

Connverse is both canon and healthy and that makes Steviniel fags seethe

Me, an SU hater, is fully happy given Steven hates Spinel and Connie is going to cheat on him because he's never coming back


It’s not. Steven would be miserable with Connie

stevens a fag

I know, that’s why he should hook up with a truck driver and become that guy’s wife after making a vagina


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Was Rose just ok with the Earth and her friends/Greg/everybody dying? She couldn't have predicted that Steven would have the ability to fix the mess she left behind. Why did she think staging her murder was a good idea in the first place?

It’s not. Connie and Steven aren’t a couple and never will be. They’re very unhealthy together.

A) She mistakenly thought Homeworld was done attacking (which, to be fair, they had disappeared for several years when she decided to conceive Steven)

B) Wanted someone else to bear her burdens

C) Somehow thought Steven could fix things

D) a combo of B and C

In all options she's a retard.


It’s fact. They’re not good together