
Shen has enlightened us

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Black Twitter BTFO.

Astolfo is not trans. Astolfo is a man. A cute man.

Based, traps aren't gay

I don't think it's the right time to be holding hands.

Did he actually post this on twitter? A comic about sexuality even though it's in a sarcastic interpretation? Isn't he going to get lynched again by the twitter mob like with the bikekek incident?


To this day Astolfo baffles me. Unlike characters who are just female designs "except they're male", Astolfo has always looked very boy-ish to me despite his feminine clothes and hair. There's something about his face that looks very masculine, but I've never been able to place exactly what.

>being cute is straight
i think the fuck not

imagine NOT holding hands with your best bro

Except it's obviously joking around and not taking itself seriously nor does he really believe taking naps is gay. Unlike that furry shoplifting one where the guy who drew it genuinely believed shoplifting was good.

i wish that the series was a monster of the week show where they went up against an animal representation of those batshit insane chinese warlords

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These tweets were going the rounds getting made fun of a couple days ago and he joined in.

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Bro, just check all the yaoi hentais with the tag:"Ugly bastard". You will understand the truth then...

sir I believe you've got the wrong thread

you're correct tho that new Kung Fu Panda series is hot garbage

>ordering dessert: gay

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what is it with girls in mongolian cartoons and burgies?

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>its been over 2 years since the bike cuck incident

they got fat old men doing cute girls in het doujins too D:<
hambagah gud

There is nothing wrong with holding hands tho

>Cute girls
>Girls are female children
>They do have not gone through puberty so their chests will be flat
>You know how else has flat chests?
Henceforth, ugly bastards who fuck girls are just ugly bastards trying to cope with the fact that they are gay.

Japan had, and I guess still has, concepts of masculine and feminine foods. Hamburgers were considered masculine and something unwomenly to eat, so a girl eating a lot of hamburgers as comedic / tomboyish appeal to it.

the equivalent of the maniac pixie girl for japan
look I am all girly and cute but not like other girls I eat greasy food with my hands not with chopsticks I am so rude #oneoftheboys

it's cute

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Most traps are just guys with long hair and skirts, people are just bad at seeing it

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I have the sneaking suspicion all four of these people are triple gay

>they got fat old men doing cute girls in het doujins too D:

What is it with black people and trying so damn hard not to be gay?

We know you are gays. Everyone with eyes can see you are gay. You are not fooling anyone.

I do all these things, does that mean I have to start sucking dicks now?

>What is it with black people and trying so damn hard not to be gay?
Don't know. But they fail all the time.
Rappers are insanely gay.

You underestimate the power of appealing to Astolfo thirsters.

Are you cute?

I actually agree with these. Especially the nap one. Naps are a cockblock of dreamland.