ITT: forgotten Yas Forums films, shows, and specials

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>WatchMojo's Top 10 Comic Adaptations You've Probably Never Heard Of!

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The lost live-action Captain America between the 1944 serial and the 1970s TV movies:
>The Marvel Super Heroes was a syndicated animated series aired in 1966 based on five Marvel Comics characters. Each day of the week, a different hero would be featured in an episode: Captain America on Monday, Hulk on Tuesday, Iron Man on Wednesday, Thor on Thursday, and Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner on Friday. The series was produced in very limited animation that basically consisted of comic panels photocopied onto cels with added movement to certain body parts.
>When the series was airing on WNAC-TV in Boston, Massachusetts, actor Arthur Pierce dressed up as Captain America and hosted live-action segments between animated segments. Other characters, such as Doctor Doom, Hulk, and Bucky also appeared in some of these live-action segments. Currently, all that is known to have survived to the present day of these segments is a low-quality fragment of a speech by Arthur Pierce as Captain America. It was recorded using a silent, black & white Super 8mm motion picture camera aimed at the television screen and a reel-to-reel tape recorder placed near the TV's speaker. These materials were later synced and uploaded to YouTube.


Reminds me of when they repackaged the Ruby-Spears Plastic Man cartoon for syndication, they hired a local production company in San Francisco to shoot live action bumper segments.

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>This is part 1 of a video found as a DVD extra on the Hero High cartoon DVD release. This is probably worth the purchase price more than the actual cartoons. Oh how easily amused we were back then. If you like this, definitely grab the DVD release of Hero High.


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The 3rd and forgotten Tales from the Crypt film

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Why didn't they call it Weird Science? Is it just because Universal still had the name at the time or something?

Probably. Because there was a Weird Science tv show in the 90s too

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I watched this one once.
It wasn't bad. And Enchantress was played by that mom from Arrested Development which was cool recognizing an actress.

Probably because it was just some random horror flick that had the Crypt Keeper segments tacked onto certain releases to try and attract attention.

Wait they had a TV show too? Actually that would make a lot of sense, sometimes these things take a while to be in development.

huh. I completely forgot about this until you posted the image. I remember seeing a youtube video about this a couple years ago.. might've been early 2010's when i was in college.

It's a very, very deep rabbit hole. I remember being somewhat creeped out.. i'm gonna read up on it now.

They aired this on TV quite a bit here in Brazil. Was surprised to learn it was never released in the U.S.

I own this, it's surprisingly good, Diana's banter with the crime boss was charming and the super aggressive second in command fucking drowns to death lmao
Worst fight scene I've ever seen tho, beyond bad

I like how the "An Entertaining Ride!" quote has no source, either they couldn't be bothered to add it, or the quote's originator was embarrassed to be one of the only people to give it a positive review.


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It's on Diddly +
Black Bolts angry silence the entire time is very funny.
Also I had no idea it was going to be set in Hawaii.

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Reminds me of a cherry tootsie pop for some reason.