As long as you see yourself as a monster, you'll be a monster

>As long as you see yourself as a monster, you'll be a monster
>You shouldn't have to hide anything from the people close to you
>Your friends and family will always be there for you no matter what you become
Okay but what if the monster you're hiding is that you draw porn of underage characters from Ed, Edd, and Eddy? t.Rebecca Sugar

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Awful. Glad it ended

That's not Monster, that's BASED

Its really well done tho

>You shouldn't have to hide anything from the people close to you
Says the bitch who went crazy when Steven opened up and asked her to marry her.

But if she hadn’t said no, then she would’ve been the one hiding her feelings from him, and she’s not supposed to hide anything from the people close to her either.

she handled it pretty well, if I were her I would've dumped him right there
>Let's get married and live as Stevonnie!
>What?! *chuckles* Steven, maybe we should talk about this first?
>I know you might think I'm being sentimental, but this makes sense! For example, I don't know what you've been studying, but Stevonnie does! We can go to college together!
what a fucking nutcase

How many sons will Steven and Connie have?

None, Connie’s not the type to want children, Steven and her shouldn’t be together anyway.

>Steven’s entire support network: “We’re here to help you whenever you need us!”
>Steven: repeatedly continues to refuse help and lets his problems build until he finally breaks
>Connie: “This is OUR fault for not being there for Steven when he needed us!”

I don’t understand. Was this supposed to be a story where Steven’s support network did everything they possibly could for him, and he broke because he refused any help? Or was it supposed to be a story of Steven’s support network failing him because they did not force themselves on him despite him refusing them?

Garnet said their wedding is inevitable

She said she saw like 300 different wedding futures for Steven, she didn’t say anything about Connie, she knows it’s a bad relationship that would only make Steven miserable

>>Your friends and family will always be there for you no matter what you become

Unless you’re Greg, and you get disowned for becoming a musician.

Connie knows about Garnet so she can understand his chain of reasoning, so it doesn't sound as creepy as it would out of context.

Its a story of Steven's support network not realizing how badly Steven needed support because years of supporting them had made him particularly good at downplaying his problems around them

If you absolutely have to categorize into someone fucking up, just don't bother. There was no fundamental failing of anyone specifically it was a comedy of errors culminating in catharsis

That’s because you’re just like Connie in that you’re inherently a selfish person who just can’t give as much love as others give you

compare kid Steven and how he helped them to how they helped him. Steven would like chase Pearl down when she's having an episode and do everything he can to make her feel better, meanwhile all the CGs did was say we're for you if you ever want to talk. same can be said for the townies. Steven would do anything for someone like Sadie but when has she ever been there for him? she didn't even try to help him after he was having a mental breakdown. that's sort of when I realized maybe Steven likes the townies a lot more than the townies like him.

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At some point you just gotta realize no matter what you do for people, they’re not gonna gonna do the same for you and you should just stop relying on them.

Is it wrong if she was underage herself when she drew it?

It's not about counting score, it's that they were making it all about them when taking blame doesn't help Steven in that instance. A lot of Yas Forums could stand to realize that when they bitch about characters "not apologising" instead of simply working to fix their mistakes.

To be fair what's Sadie supposed to do against gem monsters outside of the one she got lucky with? Unlike Connie she doesn't even have a magical sword.

What were they meant to do though? Characters spent whole days with him, watched tv, went travelling, went on road trips, devised games, etc. Any sign shit was going wrong the CGs run up and ask what was wrong. Were they meant squat in his room till he opens up? Just before he blows up everyone is sitting at the temple ready to have what is basically an intervention, the only thing they had not done at that point was hug him.

Steven could follow up with theatrics cause of the situations he was presented, but he usually didn't do anything all that special.

She could maybe try to fucking talk to him as he’s breaking down instead of some rando character solving everything because apparently the townies can’t help anyone for shit

>it's that they were making it all about them when taking blame doesn't help Steven in that instance
It literally did though. They blamed themselves, apologise to Steven and that solves his issue to a level where he could calm down

Where's the fucking porn of corrupted Steven dicking Connie?

I don't see the problem. We make porn of Connie and other cartoon characters like Raven and Starfire.

So fucking what?

I agree with that last statement, but Rose's Sword isn't magical and neither is her new one. They're just dull swords made for taking out gems without shattering them.

they could have fought harder to understand and work through his problems instead of "taking his word for it" when he says he's fine. someone like Greg was situated really well to help him through it but he bunged it up and Peridot helped more than most, and knew what he was going through more than anyone, but it's not like she helped him work through it like Steven would for her.

it was a difficult situation though because Steven has always been so clamped shut when it came to his issues. I don't think Connie was blaming them for not doing enough and more that Steven bending so far backwards to fix their problems when he was a kid, and so many of them have almost killed him, did play a part in his trauma.
>Yes, you hurt him, but this isn't the time to make this all about you! That is not helping! Maybe Steven would care how sad you are because he always puts everyone else's feelings first... But he can't do that for you right now, because he needs us this time!

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>You shouldn't have to hide anything from the people close to you
that depends

Steven never stopped acting that way when he grew up, though. He just lost his magic touch of knowing when it was right to force his help onto other people (because the writers stopped making him magically right all the time). After he became a teen he still tried to “help” others like when he reassigned all of those uncorrupted gems to new jobs, or when he tried to make Sadie and Lars get back together. And he learns that, actually, maybe butting into people’s business and trying to help them when they insist everything is fine isn’t always a good thing.

If even Steven was realizing that Stevening things up isn’t actually always the best idea, how were the gems supposed to pull off knowing when the right time to Steven themselves into Steven’s shit would be?

Reminder that pink did nothing wrong

They were too passive, you gotta be proactive when someone’s struggling. Actions speak louder than words.

>they could have fought harder
Is that really a good strategy when an pressure turns him more pink and destructive? Any time he was pushed on shit it went pretty badly, they repeatedly asked is he okay, told him they were there for him and all that stuff Steven would do. This really more seems like you are asking them to know what convenient magic bullet would snap him out of it. Which is what the show ultimately presents and why it seems so unsatisfying. Steven often didn't say anything that crazy, he'd run after people and say cliched shit.

Problems like these are actually ongoing which is why the whole they should have pressed harder thing doesn't jive with me at all. It is a long haul issue which everyone around him has to managed daily, that is what Future should have been about not the lead up to. There usually is not a magic moment where you learn to cope with a large chunk of it

>Yes, you hurt him, but this isn't the time to make this all about you! That is not helping!
Then they go hug him and apologise making it all about them again. That they failed him etc.

>You shouldn't have to hide anything from the people close to you.
does this not sound like something Rose needed to hear
Steven was just going through the same shit as mommy, they're not literally the same person but at the same time they are on like some spiritual level seems like

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Unlike Steven, Rose is an actual monster.

Duh, guy left his hometown forever because of that. He doesn’t ever want to go back to that mess.

Sugar isn't "hiding" that though, it's public knowledge and if CN really gave a shit they would have fired her ages ago. Moreover cartoonists draw weird porn all the time, fuck Tezuka was really into transformation and furry stuff.

Give him time.

Yeah but she's in Steven Universe, which means that ultimately, her and her Crystal Gems would reconcile their differences and move on from it.

Ordinarily, yes. But Rose vanished like a punk

There is nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

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Man you are really pathetic for getting angry at an obvious paring

>Steven often didn't say anything that crazy, he'd run after people and say cliched shit.
Look at Steven and how he acted at all the important moments, he had a really good head for that sort of stuff.
>Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through your eyes. Oh what would she think of me now...
now Steven's response just sounds like cliche fluff "Well I think you're pretty great" but you can see Steven quietly contemplate his next words, he understood what Pearl was going through and knew the exact sentiment that would help her. And it did. Those were the "magic bullet" as you'd say. Same with Amethyst in On the Run. He knew it wasn't his place to try and help Amethyst, instead pushing Pearl into Amethyst
>It needs to be you
because he read the situation and knew what needed to happen. Same can be said for the Diamonds he knew what would push them over each individually. You can say the same for each and every time Steven has helped someone in the show, not that he was always perfect but when it counted most he was there trying to piece together the situation. The Crystal Gems never tried to understand the situation not really. I do think the big breakdown was entirely avoidable if over the months and months of his struggle they actually did a Steven not that it would have been easy.

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Canonically, according to Sugar, Rose is supposed to represent a kind of self-loathing. She projected this image of someone warm and healing and motherly, but that was someone she wanted to be, not someone she actually believed she was. It kind of puts into perspective why she might think that any new being she would create would be more valuable and worthy than her own continued existence.

We already know he leaves Beach City forever, they didn’t get together. Steven will be much happier with someone right for him. I’m sure Connie will be fine when she’s single in her 50s and realizes her clock is ticking

They'll never find anyone more relatable than one another.