Gunnerkrigg Court

20 Apr 2020 | 12:00 AM
Chapter 76: Page 5
Must not have been hungry.
Here's the retrospective video for the COYOTE! comic! It's over on our Youtube channel, while the comic itself is in the Extra Comics section.

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This is obscene.

For 4/20/2020, Tom gifted us Green Buttcheeks.

I love Idra!

I wonder what Idra can cook up in the kitchen.

Green eggs and ham.

A tuna sandwhich.

"I have to go shave"

That's a week+ amount of growth.

Confirmed that Idra and Eggers have been fucking constantly for days, without ever stopping to wash.

Imagine the smell.

The Annies don't have to - the whole house smells of sex and sweat and they're terrified by being in the presence of 2 people who've actually been Doing it. (The Annies can sometimes be really pathetic.)

When will they learn?

Yeah but they're gonna masturbate themselves into a coma tonight

If the paneling weren't godawful I'd say the storyboarding for this was lifted straight from a harem/incest hentai.

Attached: it's not like i like the pleasure of being cummed inside or anything.png (236x208, 43.87K)

>not horrible paneling

why did tom sit in his creepy apartment and craft this obscene scenario

Why did tom draw this???

To make you look at that.

Maybe it's a side effect of all the rune crap on his body. The Protector before him had a massive beard.

Poor Parley, is all I can say.

Ours not to reason why
Ours but to fap and die

To give you a more accurate mental image of the uncovered green buttcheeks the Annies are staring at.

Parley's already halfway to a he-man already.

I still don't understand why Tom transplanted her head onto the Rock's body unless it's some kind of latent muscle fetish.

Man if you can find a hentai with a double squat full page panel on the bottom, let's have it. Manga generally have fairly dynamic paneling.

Attached: peter101.jpg (568x830, 113.95K)

imagine the bush

He-Man doesn't have a beard!



Yeh sure.

>no neckbeard


>He-Man doesn't have a beard!
Then what was Teela supposed to be?

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 34.54K)

Is this a Peter Pan hentai where Hook is Nemesis from RE and Peter is some kind of hyper-sexual female dnd character?

That's the worst pun I've ever heard.
It barely even classifies.

Attached: TamenDeGushi1.jpg (643x706, 134.3K)

Yes. Obviously it is Peter Pan Syndrome from Silky Whip. What else would it be?

Attached: rub a dub dub.png (307x217, 46.94K)

I have no idea what any of that means.

>I have no idea what any of that means.
It means Oh! Great should have stuck to hentai.

fuck why my pp so hard

this is fucking filth

Remember when this was a children's book with about as much detail as your average stained glass window?

They had so much sex and she initiated it every single time.

It is.