Midnight Gospel

Do you have your greens ready for tomorrow?

Attached: the-midnight-gospel5.jpg (1000x563, 103.45K)

The previews so far have made me not give a single fuck. Not really crazy over the art style either.

I may give it a try in a year when I can get high again. (being prego during this virus suckkkkssss)

On the plus side, long breaks is great to adjust your tolerance. I need very little to get me going now (which is good considering my area is dry as hell right now).

true my tolerance was starting to get up there. Doesn't help my mom smoked entire time with me so my dad keeps saying I should since my morning sickness is kicking my ass. Oh well will be worth not doing it in the end. Maybe Gorillaz will have a whole new album out by then too, to really chill to

Belly pics please

can always count on the anons to remind me what site im on

This better be good

I bet it's just
>wiggidy smack jack bedack man this planet is total oil greasing the bees knees man!
because that's the only kind of shit pendleton ward knows how to create

holy fuck, this might actually be the worst show I've ever seen

gotta love that buttery smooth 15 frames per second the animation is pulling
but aside from that they are just reading verbatim excerpts of joe rogans podcast

The trailers, clips, and press releases always made it clear that this was Duncan Trussell's existential podcast accompanied by Pendleton Ward's trippy visual style, with some possible niche humor throughout.

If you expected anything different, then you only have yourself to blame.

Attached: A Netflix Original Series.jpg (700x1037, 179.46K)

Anywhere online I can see it? I don’t have netflax

Ask your friend/relative/co-worker if you can mooch off of their account.

So it's just a podcast animated over? Lame.

Probably wait until tomorrow for someone to reupload to KimCartoon, or maybe someone will be generous to share a MEGA link.

I expected a plot
not long form conversations

it's alright so far
this is definitely gonna be extremely divisive. I know that for sure.

you can say what you want about the content but objectively the animation is complete shit
I've seen flip books with better in between

>higher frame rate = "better animation"
Please, for the sake of everybody's sanity, shut up.

Attached: Prowler.gif (320x180, 929.45K)

>more frames = better animation!!!
what a dumb take. the animation is fine.

Attached: 1576999076609.jpg (799x712, 54.27K)

not that user but the low framerate here is actually hurting my eyes

Can’t tell if a troll, or actually just shit taste.

see an opthalmologist

miles had a lower frame rate in the beginning of the movie to emphasize how raw he was and his frame rate became higher as the movie went on and he became more confident with his powers
peter had a higher frame rate than miles when they are on screen together
it was a story telling technique so not a valid criticism

what episode is everyone up to

this post exemplifies how little Yas Forums knows about animation and why this board should never be taken seriously


Casual spotted. You are either 7 years old or have brain damage

It’s a lot more than that. Keep watching

I really want to like it but there's too much shit going on at once

it's kinda hard for me to watch because I know that's most of it is just a actual podcast animated over so I find myself either focusing to much on the podcast and not enough of what's actually going on on-screen or the other way around. nockFORCE did this way better and that was over a decade ago

Your expectations come from you, not from the marketing. You only have your very smooth brain to blame

(Reason the post is gone is I made a significant typo which I fixed )

episode three. it's eh so far, but I'll try to sit through all the episodes before I judge