KSBD k6bd Kill Six Billion Demons Thread 2: Electric Beardgaloo

Discussion still going, may as well have another part.

“Draw the nonshape,” said Prim. “Imagine that we are kin. The fire in your fingers is the fire of my heart, the secret fire of the God of Gods. My body is the nonshape. Make it so, and dispel yourself of notions of reality.”

– Psalms

>One drop of blood

Attached: total_beard_obliteration.png (1913x1341, 3.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Little Skeli Man.png (112x125, 28.3K)

On a lot of these hits and in previous examples, he's not even punching through. His fist or foot makes minimal contact with the target and they fucking explode out from the point of connection. The force in these blows is astounding.


Attached: Monkey circle of strength.png (245x185, 85.03K)

Just finished reading this and it looks like the artists who all entered the tournament really got to know each others characters and have them form rivalries and relationships and shit. That definitely tempts me to delve into the rest of the entries

A question, is Himself reverse Royalty, or is he merely Royalty from another angle?
From what I recall he willed Himself into existence from basically the void, or am I misremembering that?
Which raises another question, could a god force themselves to exist from a state of non-existence? Could Aesma, if she were so inclined, just pop back into throne for a minor orgy and a spot of ramen?

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>he willed Himself into existence from basically the void, or am I misremembering that
Yes, he let himself out of the void. BUT, he also had to go through all the stages of devil development.

Can't wait to see the "shat their pants off" expression of Allison and crew

I think Vigilant Gaze and White Chain will keep their cool. They must know what Solomon is capable of.

Yeah agreed, white chain may only vaguely remember what they were like, but Vigilant Gaze is stupendously old and has probably seen solomon first hand.

White Chain's already called him out to fight her directly. If she knows he can pull a jam-making move of this magnitude, why would she do that?

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She knew she would lose, but she couldn't stand and do nothing. Also, buying time for her friends

That went about as well as I expected it would for everybody who didn't LIE THE FUCK DOWN AND DO NOTHING when Salami David tells you that you win if you lie the fuck down and do nothing

Gotta be honest, though, I was kind of expecting air shockwaves or some such, not a Dio Brando style temporal beatdown.

I hope some of these pals show up in the comic proper some day.

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Same, but with him staying rooted in place and and launching them from his fingers.

>Finished reading the HAN-KO-DIE comic
I need to see Solomon David die

Yeah, pretty much.
I'm pretty happy with how this page looks though.

If Allison killed Gog-agog, would she technically have Killed Six Billion Demons?

Probably a bit more than 6 billion

He was probably 9 Vigilant Gaze before he met Solomon, or something like that.

It would have been cool if he shot out merely two rings to slice everyone in a circle before collecting them on his arms on their arc back.

Worms aren't demons, user. They're friends.

Attached: thanks, gog-agog!.jpg (798x405, 138.64K)

So, Gog has 111,111 universes. Let's assume 60% are accessed via warp gate, and assume further that only one world in each universe is inhabited, and that world at the same level as our earth. Lets also assume that the inhabitants of those worlds are roughly average human volume, and let's assume that Gog has infected every one (as is her wont). That's 1.97*10^18 cubic inches of volume. Let's assume each worm to have a volume of 2 cubic inches and approximate them to spheres to simplify packing, That gives us a maximum packing efficiency of ~74%; thus, 1.5*10^18 cubic inches effective volume. dividing by the volume of an individual worm and that gives us 7.3*10^17 worms, or 730 billion billion worms.

So yes, were Allison to kill every vestige of Gog, she would have killed significantly more than six billion demons, if we're assuming each worm individually to be a demon.


your three-dimensional bias is showing


Speed kills. Solids are not so much when kinetic energy is very high, even if everything is moving relatively.

Plan on doing one of these with the doomguy, any suggestions for posing/scenery or whatever?

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>Dykes getting turned on by displays of raw masculinity
My favorite fetish.

Him sauntering into camera with a very large pile/battlefield of demon corpses behind him.

If he doesn't have the super shotgun it'll be an automatic failure, for one.

Think a setup like this would work.

and here's the full page because Mother Above it's a thing of beauty

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