Who takes it?

Who takes it?

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Deathbattle/power level threads are fucking cancer that appeals to the most casual surface level knowledge of the material wherein only autists give a shit about the outcome.

Again, its up to the writer who wins

Bumping to spite you.



Hulk easily. Its not even a debate. Was capable of casually shaking the planet with just a single step. Only time Superman was capable of that was when Starman supercharged Superman.

Are you implying that superman isnt planet level?

Yeah, yeah, shuffle back to your Steven Universe shill topics, the 50 people who watched that trash might forget about it in the next few hours!

Superman. Massive speed advantage and stronger.

Even in Marvel canon the key to beating Hulk is "be strong enough to cripple him before he gets too mad" which Superman can do

Can he even be crippled anymore? He got fucking sliced up into jars and could regenerate from that

>Even in Marvel canon the key to beating Hulk is "be strong enough to cripple him before he gets too mad" which Superman can do
When has this ever been the case in the past 20 years

Most people aren't on his level in the first place, and those that are have hard enough time staggering him for long

Going by just the image, I think that’s worldbreaker Hulk
Which resulted in me getting a funny idea for a quote from the battle, supposing it went down in a way that allowed for it, that’s taken from something else.

Someone clearly hasn't been reading Immortal Hulk.

>OP is this assblasted I called him out being a casual he has the gull to call someone an SUfag
How about actually reading comics so we can talk about them instead of power level stupidity? Stay mad, OP

>didn't even deny being an SUfag, just acted offended
Ah, man, you little Tumblr rejects make me laugh.
Besides, how is digging into a character's history and feats "casual"? Basic sense would say the opposite.

Not even OP, you retarded nigger. Actually get some goddamn self-awareness rather than trying to be an autistic content purveyor for one of the shittiest boards on an equally shitty site.

Is reading not your first language?
>he has the gull to call someone an SUfag
>the gull
Implying said person took offense to being lumped with the rockfucking faggots. No, I'm not a SUfag, and frankly they helped ruin this board. You however aren't helping either, peddling grade school slap fights as "comic discussion" any jackass who read a wiki or watched a movie can throw his two cents in.
Oh well my apologies, you're equally as much of a faggot as OP

Have you considered dilating until you rip open your dry cunt-wound and die? Would spare you having to shit yourself running on this shithole.

Attached: hulk thumb up.png (237x224, 16.63K)

Apparently I struck a nerve. Excuse me for actually wanting topics that actually talk comics instead of your cringey youtube channel DBZ bullshit. You can't call everyone on this board you don't like a tranny, retard. In fact you're just as sensitive, if not more, than those fags

First, it's "gall", not "gull", mongo.
Second, reading wikis doesn't help with powerlevel stuff, just storyline synopses.
Third, if you weren't an SUfag you would've denied it upfront instead of going "OH! How dare you!"

Thanks for correcting me, user. I sincerely mean that. That's what I get for not proofreading. As for the SU thing, I really don't care for the show, at all. I would have thought taking offense to being associated with them would be self-explanatory.


Pre-Crisis vs. TOBA Gigahulk

That's nice.

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Lifting something isn’t the same as wrecking it.

based first post.

It's a show of strength and endurance. Take the L with dignity.

Ok pal.
But Superman survived a fucking super nova.

Just punt Hulk into orbit around Jupiter