How much money could they make in the Marvel/DC universes before getting caught or killed?
How much money could they make in the Marvel/DC universes before getting caught or killed?
I remember that game. Pretty fun, but my disc got messed up and made playing way to difficult to enjoy.
Realistically? Prologue or first act villains for the vast majority of capes. Even hitting street level they'd be pretty low-tier against most powered heroes. Black Canary, Wildcat, Green Arrow, and Daredevil would probably be your best bets both powerlevel and personality-wise, maybe Nightwing, and possibly even Punisher if you've got a writer who doesn't wank Frank and is willing to present the gang as competent professionals.
knowing how well they prepare they could coordinate with other villains to use each other as distraction or just attack trucks and cites without supers
I say around 15 millions before Amanda Waller sends the suicide squad
Be a two-parter story in Detective Comics.
Realistically, not a whole lot.
If they're allowed all the game nonsense like dodge, perk decks, and such they'd be a force to be reckoned with.
This. If gameplay abilities translate they're a High Street Level threat.
I feel like these guys would be a gag cameo for when Superman stops a bank robbery. Granted, Bank Robber capers kind of died off around 2011.
Can Frank beat GET THE FUCK UP?
>Setup 65% dodge rate build for everyone
>In theory they could ultra instinct Superman and just dodge everything he throws at them
You're probably better off flipping the narrative and have the supervillains and crime lords go after the gang for moving in on their turf and upsetting the balance of things.
Even then, they could be a decent enough threat.
Dallas had attempted to dupe two different crime syndicates into fighting each other and when it backfired he not only survived, but thrived.
Houston's a good enough mechanic to somehow keep their dinky van from breaking down despite everything the crew has been through. Including gunfire, explosives, fire, etc.
Chains is a former marine and has plenty of weapon experience and expertise.
Wolf is a good engineer, seeing as how he can turn a bunch of P90's into automatic sentry turrets.
With Bain's endless supply of inside information and inside men, it's a bit hard to withhold information from the payday crew as well.
Don't these guys hobnob with legitimately powerful people?
>can defeat waves of headless guys with heavy armor, shields on their backs, and fucking miniguns
Supernatural shit is canon in the Payday universe and the gang can prevail against that, so they're pretty good. Batman would probably have trouble with them.
Punisher takes out guys like this every morning before breakfast.
Batman takes out guys like this every morning before breakfast, albeit in a less fatal manner.
This is a stomp OP.
Could Batman defeat a cloaker who got the drop on him?
It came out in 2013.
Yes user, it came on discs at the time.
Since Bain had info on pretty much everything moving on the city it would be nice to see how much he could pull
>Listen up boys, This guy Nigma just made the perfect smoke screen for us, Wayne Tech Trucks are moving trough the city, I dont know who is nuts enough to pay for that but it has to be worth a lot for our Client if he is willing to distract the Batman while we secure some of Wayne's toys
>Alright Ramblers, let's get Rambling
these guys broke into the white house and found a secret reincarnation machine once
No. No one can beat GET THE FUCK UP.
This basically.
Though the Joker would either tweak the fuck out and hate them for stealing his shtick or love them try and get them exclusively.
depends, how many MEEEEEEDDIIIIIICCC BAAAAAAAAAGS do they have?
I feel like a Joker/Payday Gang collab would just the end same way it did with the bank robbery scene from the Dark Knight.
The Payday guys are a family of sorts, they trust each other and will take the fall if it means the others will escape
Soon as one is shot down the whole heist will go south and turn into a gang war
Except for houston, fuck that wanker
>Implying Hox would let anyone else bully Houston.
But yeah, you betray the gang like Hector did, you'll fucking die like Hector did.