How do we fix Thor and his current canon?

How do we fix Thor and his current canon?

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we'll use buckshot instead of canonballs

inb4 SJWs

Here are few things to consider
>Should Thor even be king of Asgard? It can stagnate his stories into political nonsense, coups, and sitting on his ass on a throne which admittedly has soured Aquaman books
>Should Donald Blake return? Some anons on this board find him a relic, outliving his usefulness. But others may argue the mortal vessel of Thor could ground him.
>How often should Thor return to Midgard? What good is he as an Avenger if he's never around? Then again, people seem to like Hal and pals never being on Earth over at DC
This doesn't even touch Sif being the new bridge guardian, or Brumhilde being dead

Make the comic version of Asgard more like the Poetic and Prose Eddas. Remove the Marvel original characters like Mora the Enchantress and the warriors 3. Keep him away from the rest of the Marvel supes.

>Remove the Marvel original characters like Mora the Enchantress and the warriors 3
What the fuck are you on about? That's a stupid idea.

Reset everything back to the late 80s pretend the rest of the bullshit doesn't exist. If someone suggests altering Thor in a way that resembles 2000s Thor fire them, dont look back. Thats the only way to save him.

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Remove Thor from the Earth setting and go full cosmic with him. Earth setting is trash and limits the characters too much because of status quo.

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So you don't like JMS Thor? Also curious, when exactly did Thor books lose their way?
While true to an extent, the same could be said about Thor being king of Asgard.

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This. Trippy space opera Thor is best Thor.

It's too late.

making him fat lmao

Everything Aaron ever made is non canon

Trigger another Ragnarok, keep him cosmic, and ignore Aaron’s damage to the mythos.

But isn't the Ragnarok cycle broken?

I didn't mind King Thor in a small town aspect and the dialogue with him and Odin fighting Surtur was good. Its just after that point and a bit before it he started to get much worse. Fraction started, Aaron solidified it.

Find other means to trigger Ragnarok, like it will happen because Knull or a pantheon of celestials are attempting to reset the Asgardian’s existence or something.

>a pantheon of celestials are attempting to reset the Asgardian’s existence or something.
Asgardians are actually a long running Celestial experiment and the Ragnarok cycle is part of it.

I'm kinda neutral on Donny Cates run rn but Aaron gave Thor a great run and Waititi is actually making good movies for him so I think he's in a good place

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>but Aaron gave Thor a great run

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Looks like 2015 Onua

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Those Whose Sit Above in Shadow were implied to be Beyonders in Loki's solo.

>Aaron gave Thor a great run

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I know it sounds stupid but Thor has to live up to his epithet THE MIGHTY so if he isn't doing something awesome then he really sucks. Having him job to the Avengers villain of the month hurts his character more than it would someone else.

I think it's best to balance Thor around many different scenarios and not tie him down to cosmic/Earth/Asgard

The second half of this is a good suggestion
>Do Ragnarok AGAIN
NO FUCK OFF we've had it too many times fuck Aarons "War of the realms" shit was just Ragnarok it's been hanging over his head for too long it's over and doesn't need redoing.
If you try you'll just find yourself in an AvX situation where the storyline JUST HAPPENED and it's already being redone

>Remove the Marvel original characters like Mora the Enchantress and the warriors 3
this is the worst take on Thor I read on Yas Forums ever. Making Jane Thor is not that bad

You hit Thor's built in reset button and have another Ragnarok happen, reset everything to a more tolerable level afterwards.

After that the books need to take a clear and decisive look inward. Thor is essentially Marvel's flying brick analogue to Superman who travels the cosmos and everyone considers him almost unbeatable, that makes exterior threats in his books simply a matter of waiting until Thor drops the hammer on whatever bad guy and heads off, making them predictable.

The draw for Thor for many people has always been his supporting cast and how he plays off them, Odin and Loki and Sif and all that. I'd want a run that examines Thor's relationships with his father, family, and friends.

>Making Jane Thor is not that bad

it's so fucking funny seeing Aaron be like "Yeah I was doing the Thor loses his hammer arc and there was a good reaction so she stayed around" and then coming to Yas Forums and just seeing the hatred spewed at the idea

Aaron surrounds himself with yes men, his word isn't to be trusted.

>fuck Aarons "War of the realms" shit was just Ragnarok
No it wasn't, neither was Siege. Ragnarok is a very specific set of prophecies and predictions that need to happen in order for the actual End of All Things to occur. Asgard getting fucked up in some war or another does not equal Ragnarok.

ITT: Creatively bankrupt faggots want to redo "Muh Ragnarok" eventhough it will burn out the audience/readership to go from a run that was 90% building up to it and 10% it's shitty execution

But that panel came from Aaron's run.

Thor has been hemorrhaging readers for years since it hasn't actually been ABOUT Thor and when it was, he was a pathetic drunkard nobody liked. You want to save Thor, you have to pull up the last few years by the roots.

You don't need
>Ragnarok but again!
to do that though

You kinda do. Aaron's run has wormed its way into the rest of Thor lore to where now if you tried to change gears from it you'd have dumb motherfuckers going "Where's Jane?" "What about Old King Thor?" "Where's the metal arm?" "Wasn't he molesting She Hulk?"
Since all those ideas are fucking awful, you need to cut them out wholesale. Killing Thor in a Ragnarok situation and resetting things back to how they were before Godbomb does that.

I didn't say I wanted another Ragnarok, I merely pointed out that it was off the table and no longer a cycle.

I to love Thor the god of thunder being no different that a regular dude acting nothing like he has been depicted for years before and being the center of all jokes.

Why do so many people see Donald Blake as obsolete anyway? He was prominently featured in JMS's run