What was Roger's best persona?

What was Roger's best persona?

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Ricky Spanish, obviously

Raider Dave

Attached: RaiderDave.jpg (382x509, 26.82K)


If Stelio was a Roger persona, I wouldn’t be surprised.


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Professor Jordan Edelstein

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I think nthe crew joked around that Tuttle is a personal that the audience can't tell is Roger.

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makes sense everyone has one persona they can't see through

The series finale is going to reveal that Roger has been isolated on a prison world this whole time and literally every character that was ever on American Dad was one of his personas. He played them all by using his canon super speed to such a degree that it looked like he was in multiple places at once.

I'm really hoping that the finale has a longtime side character turn out to be Roger the whole time

Roger's best when he's a woman

Tell them how you killed our baby, Yas Forums

Joe exotic

Jeanie Gold
Wedding plannerprostitute

It's been established

>Man that homeless guy is hung. But I already knew that.

Where I was receiving an award in...what was it dear?

For whatever reason, parodies of middle class business moms always kill me so she's my favorite

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"Remember that time I was a family of talking bears?"


I started thinking of my favorite Roger personas and it suddenly hit me how hard this show has been carried by Roger. Almost all the best American Dad episodes are just Roger adopting some insane flavor of the week side villain persona. That being said:

1. Ricky Spanish
2. The one where Roger is a dirty cop
3. The one where he's doing a Jordan Peterson parody and accuses Francine of killing "their baby"
Honorable mentions to his bond villain character who makes a movie about a retarded jew and him trying to kill the entire Smith family.

Hypocrite Christian wife who sleeps with her neighbor/friend's ex-husband with zero hint of shame and is also a bear, absolute Roger move.

Not even close.
There was a tier list tho

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I fucking loved the james bond parody episodes
by far some of my favourite AD content, honestly so glad they chose AD instead of FG to do the parody

Does anyone have the chart?

Roger, and to a much lesser extent Klaus, are what sets this show apart from other MacFarlane cartoons. I like Brian and Stewie but Roger's so much more watchable.

Add one ingredient too many and you end up with Raider Dave, everytime.


Saw this episode yesterday and was one of the first times in years I laughed my ass off at a cartoon.

>they show people around the world crying about Roger's holocaust movie
>cut to Iran
>they're laughing
Fucking gold

Brian suffers from being McFarlane's mouthpiece. He's aware of this and he's joked about it, but at the end of the day Brian is the one character who actually sounds like McFarlane IRL and shares his political opinions. It's not funny knowing you're dealing with the author's mouthpiece. Roger on the other hand is just pure chaos. Way more room to have fun there.


>Roger's best Persona
>Gun to his head
Is that intentional