Death Battle thread

New Episode soon

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Other urls found in this thread:

johnny dc's power is absolutely immense, getting the thread deleted just by being mentioned

Clark and Hal need to have a "bullshit-off" where they constantly one up the other with more and more ludicrous "impossible" feats of power.

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Gonna post this again
Booster wins, next time is Obi-Wan vs. Gandalf

Who should he fight?

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If Booster wins, we're gonna get Booster Gold posting in every X-Men thread with Cable. If Cable wins, we're gonna get Cable posting in any story involving Booster.

Just like how we get Hal posting in every Ben 10 thread right?


Why was the other thread deleted?

Come the fuck on. They never delete them all week round and decide to do it right when the episode is close to be released. lol

Instead of fighting why don't they have a life battle where they fuck.
Make love not war

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No if booster Gild wins will get jokes about green lantern I. Every X men thread.

Plastic man.

Just like you don't see WW posting in Thor threads it's about the fan base of the character, how sore of a loser the losing fans are, and how close it is perceived as being

Probably not. Anything involving Ben 10 was a powderkeg waiting for a fire source. HEAT was infamous before. Cable and Booster don't have the insanity behind them.

>kismet and eternity will never fuck again
why do dc and marvel hate true love

Luffy Stomps

Wasn't enough shitposting, I guess. I was enjoying the spectre shit.

>Thread gets deleted

>9 years
>7 seasons
>125 going on 126 episodes
>Still no Galactus vs Unicron
>Still no magical girl episode
>Still no slasher episode
>Still no army match since Eggman vs Wily
>Still no wrestler vs wrestler episode since Zangief vs Hagger
>Still no vampire vs vampire episode
>Still no werewolf vs werewolf episode
>Still no dragon vs dragon episode
>Still no team vs team episode
>Still no team vs individual episode
>Still no Ship to Ship combat death battle, traditional ships or space ships.
>Still no mounted vs mounted episode
>Still no car vs car episode (Sweet Tooth vs Joker was only a third of that)
>Still no cyberspace episode
>Still no stretchy guy vs stretchy guy episode
>Still no psychic vs psychic episode (mind stuff, not just telekinesis)
>Still no unconventional match (Death Race, Cook-Off, etc)
>Still no giant monster match that doesn't include Godzilla representation
>Still no stop motion episode
>Still no /lit/ representation outside of Harry Potter, Yas Forums also pretty under represented
>Still no tabletop representation
>Still no western webcomic representation
>Still no euro comic representation
>Western animated reps (which themselves are few and far between) generally limited to modern cartoons, or at the most cartoons dating back to the 80's.
>Still no flash animation or game rep
>Still no other web original reps (video series, creepypasta, etc.)
>Classic Sci-fi also generally underrepresented, still no Star Trek combatants
>Still flooded with Yas Forums (especially big 2) and Yas Forums garbage

I mean doomsday clock showed the DC wants to do another crossover

Ben vs Hal SURPASSED Goku vs Superman 1 and 2's like/dislike ratio and HEATfags are autistic

I just gonna blame you when the thread is deleted

Boils down to if Hakai works
If Hakai works, Luffy wins
If Hakai fails, Luffy dies horribly

Ben's playing the waiting game on him
I wanna see him fight another pirate but he'll likely fight Naruto

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>I mean doomsday clock showed the DC wants to do another crossover

Why would the Haki not work?

Naruto would stomp Luffy

Attached: Thor and Hulk.png (1040x269, 374.61K)

Cable is now in Fortnite, making him the winner.

Attached: Xforce.0[1].jpg (1200x800, 143.58K)

That certainly didn't work for Thanos

I know Haki works on Logia and renders them tangible to hit but say Luffy is hit by it since he's Paramecia, does his rubber body turn back to normal?

>psylocke with pants
coomers btfo

i wanna fug domino

Who wins in Beerus vs Jean grey?

If true, Gandalf stomps and stomps hard

You know why the multiversity map is in the shape of a circle (or dial if you prefer?)

That's his body.

That's what Johnny DC is.

So many people have that you could drive a car through there.

Question, do would you have preferred the ending of All Might vs Might Guy to have shown
>Jason Lee Scott
Instead of the six we had shown?

Let me guess, Gandalf is also faster than the speed of light?

Wait this says Hulk>Doomsday


Leak the rest of the season faggot

so does that make the dark multiverse his ass?

Booster Gold wins, Danny Phantom vs Jenny XJ9 is next. Calling it.

Traditionally, GL's were hard counters to Superman because they could freely create his weaknesses out of thin air. Even Tomar-Re kicked Superman's ass once.

It doesn't really work, but feel free to try it if it makes you feel better. X-Men fans don't really care about Summers #527 and Booster was made for humiliation and slapstick.

Though posting Waverider in Ben 10 threads and pretending its Hal, that might produce salt.

Being a celestial being from the dawn of creation, yes

Here’s the mega for anyone who doesn’t have access. Will post when it’s up.