Lady Shiva:

Who in the Marvel universe can beat her in a hand to hand combat? (talking about street level heros)

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Shang Chi has a good chance, he's in the same level as her and Cassandra. Captain America and Iron Fist have a 50/50 chance, not at her level in direct skill but both are above human in phisical ability. Daredevil, Elektra and Moon Knight have a small chance, but much like Batman they would probably get defeated in pure hand to hand. Punisher would get owned so hard it would be funny. So would Hawkeye or Black Widow.

Yes. Spidey is a very powerful hero slumming in the street level.

Not even a chance.


what the fuck is wrong with her hand?

bullshit pulled out of nothing.

But Slade has her. How can Slade have her and not cap?

Since when? Slade's been bodied by Cass before.

I'd go with Shang-Chi, yeah. Although it'd be a good chance rather than a certainty.

And Cass has been bodied by Bruce and Bruce has been bodied by Slade and so on.
>it happened once
Isn't an argument for anything. You need to look at the overall picture, Slade is hailed as the best assassin in the DC verse.

Though I just realized OP said just in hand to hand combat and not overall capability.

Didn't Old Man Cap beat up Shang Chi? A half-dozen clones of him at the same time? Shang's good, but his limit seems to be anyone that is enhanced but also similarly skilled like Cap. He was giving a good show against Gorgon at first, then the physical difference between both of them started to show when his blows weren't having a lasting effect and Gorgon could dish out what he was receiving but harder and faster.

Best bets in Marvel are Spidey. Though I feel like his spider sense wouldn't work all that well on her. Taskmaster would put up a DAMN good fight! So would Shang Chi. Elektra if we go with her feats in Elektra Assassin has a better chance than DD, she boarder line superhuman/ninja gaiden in that book. Cap gives her a run for her money just by being tough as fuck and his shield. Black Panther is probably a draw. Luke Cage can't touch her but she can't harm him. Deadpool is a wild card. Iron Fist is 50/50.

Real question is, how strong would Shiva be if she had the powers of the iron fist? Or the was possessed by the demon of the Hand.

Cass has also beaten Bruce. That issue that Bruce was drugged to fight with killing intent against Cass. I remember her winning that fight. And yes Slade is the best assassin. But Shiva is the best martial artist. The thing is nobody fears Slade. But Shiva's name alone buts the highest tier fighters on pause.

user, if Slade is the best assassin and Shiva is the best martial artist, but Shiva is more feared than Slade, then either the DC-folks that were scared, or the writer that wrote the scene, are idiots.

>The thing is nobody fears Slade. But Shiva's name alone buts the highest tier fighters on pause.
>no one fears the artificially enhanced psychopath with access to a variety of weapons that can kill anyone who isn't at least bulletproof, and will not stop short of killing his target unless he considers the counteroffer is better than what is originally offered
>but they fear this bitch can punch and kick really good

I understand it's comic logic, but it's still really fucking stupid.

>And Cass has been bodied by Bruce and Bruce has been bodied by Slade and so on.
Stop that right now

>>user, if Slade is the best assassin and Shiva is the best martial artist, but Shiva is more feared than Slade, then either the DC-folks that were scared, or the writer that wrote the scene, are idiots.
So you're saying that if anyone doesn't agree with your "Journeyman Assassin > Martial Arts Master" assessment then they're poopoo dumdums with stinky doody heads.

Great argument, faggot.

Isn't Shiva's rep in the gutter anyways? Last I saw Black Cannery was beating her without her cry.

I don't see how Slade qualifies to begin with since a large part of his character seems to be wolverine tier healing with "99% brain power!" Cause at that point you might as well start counting Beast, Spidy, etc.

Op's question. I vote Taskmaster. Mimic ability lets him bring enough chaos into the mix like bulleye's perfect aim. And at the same time he'll be getting the read off Shiva to keep out of death's grasp.

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Nah, you're thinking of White Canary (whom Dinah used the cry on too). Dinah has never actually fought Shiva in canon, only had a couple of sparring matches and came very close in BoP.

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Shiva's asswhooping skills go pretty far beyond punching and kicking real good. I still remember this one guy who took a hit from her and spent the rest of the comic begging his friends to freaking KILL him because the pain was so goddamn bad. For all his abilities, Slade doesn't have shit on that.

This is all headcanon but I I tend to think about it like they're different kinds of fear. People are afraid of Slade but also know he's a mercenary and figure that they can negotiate a better deal. Shiva, when not written as a dumb as bricks League of Assassins lackey, is more unpredictable than that. Half the time she's not even getting paid to beat people to death, she's doing it for the sheer fun/challenge of it.

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To assassin means top person capable of killing. It means best at killing. Being the best martial artist in a world where you're not the best at killing. Which means, you're better at killing someone with martial arts, while the top assassin is better at any other way of killing, making them overall more dangerous than you.
You can kill with guns, swords, bombs, martial arts, etc.
Shiva is best at one.
Slade has the best overall score.
Ergo Slade is more dangerous.
Ergo if people are scared more of Shiva than Slade, they're idiots.

That still doesn't mean he can beat Cass. This isn't dbz. Just because person 1 beat person 2, who beat person 3, that doesn't mean person 1 can ALSO beat person 3. This kind of assumption will get you wrecked in a real fight.

Dude...what's worse: a lion that will kill you because it's hungry, or a lion that will kill you because it's bored? Shiva is the bored lion. Slade needs a reason (money).

>To assassin means top person capable of killing
This is the dumbest edgelord bullshit I've heard today.

To be an assassin means that you're willing to kill for money on a regular basis. THAT'S. IT. Don't overly romanticize hired muscle.

>You can kill with guns, swords, bombs, martial arts, etc. Shiva is best at one
Oh ok, so the issue here is that you're just a newfag who doesn't really know who Shiva is. You'll be disappointed to learn that the DC canon is larger than the original Weeb Titans.

Exactly!!! Shiva is the boogie woman of DC sorta speak. She is just all around the best because there's this cloak of mystique about her. She could help you recover from ptsd and an injury because reasons. She could train you with the intent of killing her in battle. She could just pop up to body you for no fucking reason. And this could all happen in this order in the same week. Ask Tim Drake or her daughter. That type of shit is scary.

Cap is about 50/50 with Shang but that's partly because the super serum powers have been amped ridiculously over the past decade. It used to just make him peak human but he's super human now.

Elektra maybe and I want to say Colleen Wing also but I haven't seen her fight without her sword.

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Ah, so Shiva will be more painful, playing with her food, while Slade is a professional who'd kill you quickly and move on. That makes sense.

user, just trying to reconcile "more efficient at killing" with "not the best at martial arts". The only explanation is that he's better than her in areas other than martial arts.

That wasn't my point. My point is that
>x bodied y once
isn't an argument, because it's superhero comics, everyone has bodied everyone once.

Shiva wanted BC to take her role as the top martial artist in the world, Shiva wanted to retire. People forget that BC is one of the top fighters in DC too

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neither of those have a chance, user.

>The only explanation is that he's better than her in areas other than martial arts.
Yeah areas like accounting, customer service and gun-cleaning. Shiva is still a more deadly opponent with more experience and training.

I mean for fucks sake, you act like Shiva has never heard of a gun before.