Hahahaha, based!

Hahahaha, based!

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Like go make your own cartoon if you like thundercats go is so awful like what are you even doing wasting your time lmao. Seriously go make your cartoon fucking yikes.

its funny, and if you people weren't so completely pathetic they wouldn't have the material

This episode was great

Making a cartoon is not easy you imbecile, it's not something that is auto generated in 5 minutes like a Mcdonalds Burger. Other than a huge budget, in order to make your very own Indie Cartoon, you need to have a high artistic talent to design the characters, backgrounds and make the overall animation, including the storyboard, frames and cleaning, you need to have writing skills as well to write the script, you also need voice actors and composers.

It may sound easy, but it's not, a 15 minute short in flash can take months, you could ask your friends to help you and start a kickstarter to pay them, but as a director, you need to have the passion to care about your short and make it your top priority.

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I never cared about thundercats but my question is what was the point of the new show? To just be a lesser known teen titans go? Because it seems that ALL of the problems people have with it are basically copy pasted from TTG, but where TTG was able to define itself as its own thing roar is literally JUST ripping it off


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i think the problem is that dead panthro in the background.

I've never seen the old Thundercats, so my opinion isn't guided by nostalgia, but I find this persistent disrespect for the preceding series to be cynical and unprofessional.
I'm not suggesting it's above mockery, but typically that comes from an external source. Mad Magazine, youtube parodies, Robot Chicken, stand up comics, whatever.
A series can have internal jokes, but they shouldn't become actual loathing and contempt for the work of professionals that were in your position decades ago.

All you need animation program, public domain music, and made up language in order to get a cartoon.

And if you are too lazy to write. Then make a simple plot.

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>look at how not upset we are

Western animation has too many overgrown children that hate their own childhoods.

Hahaha mad incel, this show is based and you are a tiny, angry, insignificant FAGGOT hahaha

>I never cared about thundercats but my question is what was the point of the new show?
To hold on to the thundercats rights

Fuck Snarf. Best thing they ever did was to not have him talk in the reboots

It's not just the style of the show that rubs me the wrong way. It's the writer's thinly veiled opinions.

If TTGo made fun of the goofy plastic ice in "Batman & Robin" that could be funny. Mr.Freeze tries to crack off an icicle to put in his drink but it just springs out of his hand, makes a 'boing' sound effect, and swings back to hit him in the faces. Ha ha. Simple slapstick with a nod to the now campy Schumacher film.

These writers would directly insult the prop department for not using real ice and call Schwarzenegger a hack.

"Based" means something like "the emperor's new clothes", saying something true that everyone else goes along with out of convenience. This isn't like that, because they're going along with the accepted point of view inside Cartoon Network.

>dont be an asshole
>in a letter directed at babies

Boo hoo

Dead skeleton = dead show

The only funny thing in the entire episode was panthro's skeleton really.

Stop crying bitch

Didn't the thundercats roar crew hate this special as well since they had no control over it?

I like how they kinda made a reference to a certain insult based on a name of a meat substitute.

Attached: vegan-animators.png (960x540, 678.36K)

user, the baby is (You)

what's wrong with 2011 lion-o?

wtf why are thundercat roar sjws homophobic

Nothing that I remember, except that he was everyone's punching bag in the reboot.

I don't know. But considering that show's humor is more harmless wacky than mean-spirited, I would think some of them would not like it being conflated with that.


I don't know what's more pathetic, people crying or people pretending they give a shit about Thundercats.

And it takes actual creativity and talent. Lacking that, just steal the name of an existing IP, destroy personalities and put your own crap in there, and hope for the best.