A girl turtle?

A girl turtle?

Attached: venus-de-milo.jpg (1200x630, 93.76K)

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Prove it. Show us her cloaca.

A girdle?

but reptiles got no mammaries

Attached: d4a.png (2160x1706, 2.33M)

Her shell's tit cups confuse me more than they probably should.

Can you squeeze them?


They're mutants.

Do you think they actually got a woman to wear the costume or just hired some scrawny twink?

female turtles front shells are larger and protrude outwards more, while male's are more concave

2/10 shitty realism

she has full set of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars as well mammalian vision but your issue is two bumps on a shell

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I was much more bothered that there was a new turtle out of nowhere when the first four were a freak accident and she had the same colour as a pre existing turtle. She should had come from another dimension and made it a multipart pilot.


This. Trannies defending that IDW female turtle because it's more "realistic" when it was never an issue to begin with. They're fucking mutant ninja turtles. Let her have tits for fuck's sake.

Yeah actually why would mammaries show up on the shell? Wouldn't that just make her shell more brittle? It's clearly not being done for sex appeal because she's a horrific turtle monster. The only real answer is to clearly and easily visually indicate dymorphism to indicate that she's the token female, but at that point you might as well just throw a bow on that bitch because it raises fewer questions.

the 1980s series solved this by making the first girl mutant character a lizard. they didn't have to make hard decisions about body shape with the shell, they could do the vague cartoon slightly-curvier-body thing to make her feminine.

dont remember her name so i cant google search

Mona Lisa

A girl turtle isn't the problem. A girl turtle with MAGIC is.

why are you so obsessed with cloacas?

bingo. not bad, eh.

I think she started as a human, if you want plausibility points.

Attached: Mona-Lisa.jpg (640x480, 25.44K)


41% tranny

to be fair the other TMNT lads are usually portrayed with abs
it's on par w that

Still better than "Jenny."

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A girl(male) turtle?

Attached: 1585338633912.jpg (634x1802, 722.25K)

Attached: 80289637_p5.png (768x1126, 424.16K)

Do you think it would sound like this:
Or like this:

Attached: Turtle O Face.jpg (1035x980, 154.25K)