Had this episode come 10 years later DC would've been in deep shit

>Had this episode come 10 years later DC would've been in deep shit
Wondering if TTGO will have Haunted Tank show up

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Niggas'd been chasin

Wasn't haunted tank referenced in TTG?

Stop complaining.

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That’s..... pretty fuckin funny.

This looks like a good premise for a comic, is the rest as good as this page?

Seems as good a place as any to story time.

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>The snake prowls fiercely, but cannot scratch his back, for as the Sioux people are aware of, snakes have no arms with which to scratch their back

I don't have Yas Forums pass so expect this to take a while.

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Great writing
Cringe writing

How do they do it?

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My biggest complaint is that he would have known exactly how that happened.
>"Nice to see that Sally's descendants made something of themselves too."

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Seems like he just sorta appears every now and again, rather than being a full-time ghost

>White people

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Can you spot the difference i made to trick Yas Forums?

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Nice tattoo

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I feel like they overplayed his reaction most blacks in america know they have some white blood in them from rape

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Yeah its at most one generation worth of difference given that the previous Protag is supposed to be this guys grand father. He didn't pull a runner either given he still has the family name.

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This tank squad is just a team of diversity

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Pretty realistic show of military intelligence

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Any one interested in i

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well that was entertaining

>I'll show you Dubai!
>Why I outta

ssue 2?

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Trips confirm, let's roll

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I really love seeing sincere attempts at modern takes on absurd 60s characters.

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So is the moral of the story that Jamal needs to stop being racist to the Iraqis?