>Spider-Man is overused but we also want to adapt Spider-Man because he's popular, but we're not part of the problem, but not the real Spider-Man because he's a white male, but no one cares about the black Spider-Man, so we'll put the real Spider-Man into the story through a multiverse, but multiverses are cringe look at how overused he is since there are all these other silly alternate universe Spider-Men but we're not part of the problem when we do it it's different because reasons and Spider-Man merch is cringe because Sony was dumb enough to sell back the rights to Disney so they can't profit off of it but if they didn't it be okay and
Literally worse than MCU tier levels of disingenuousness where every serious moment has to be punctuated with a quip or otherwise they'd be afraid the mainstream audience would think they're cringe. Fuck this movie and its dishonesty paraded as a "love letter to the franchise".
Spider-Man is overused but we also want to adapt Spider-Man because he's popular, but we're not part of the problem...
op gay lmao
Yea but they referenced the movies tho
Jokes aside OP I feel the exact same way about LEGO Batman. And I haven't even seen it
lmfao imagine being this butthurt because an animated movie with a black character is better than all the other spiderman movies you watched during your childhood
Imagine thinking it was at all because of said black character
Imagine if they just called it Into the Spider-Verse. All the advertising stays the same. I highly doubt you would see the same sales you did when the title has Spider-Man in it.
This movie is amazing. visually stunning, and also solid character arcs. I dont understand this level of butthurt that not only adapts, but improves, characters. I know "seeth" is a meme here but like... this is the most "seeth" thread I've seen(today)
>I dont understand this level of butthurt
Black people exist.
He couldn't even go a full thought without bringing it up so...
>implying the poster said it was good because black
Not at all what they said
>Miles is there to cuck Peter
>Kills off Peter of his universe
>Somehow stronger and better then Peter because he survived the same attack from Fisk
>Somehow regarded as a love letter to spider-man
It is pure cancer, but Spider-penny is good tho.
I can’t hate this movie for making a better Miles than any of his comics.
How exactly is he better
Lmao imagine thinking this, IMAGINE unironically being convinced that this is true! What a riot!
I'm imagining it and it's pretty based
Why is this mediocre movie getting such reactions? I get that MCU is even worse, but this is not a reason to give such forgettable cartoon a time of day.
Wait, wasn't this thread made yesterday?
It'll be made tomorrow too.
This is Yas Forums complaining about negroes is never gonna go out of style.
>Literally worse than MCU
You mean Iron-Boy is better Spider-man treatment than Spiderverse?
Comic Miles sucks. A lot.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?
>Miles is there to cuck Peter
BOTH Peters had MJ as their love interest, with one of them happily married and the other about to
>Somehow stronger and better then Peter because he survived the same attack from Fisk
Peter was already severely hurt from the explosion speedreader
And how is movie Miles different
He's got an actual character arc. The comic version's just sorta fizzled out early on.
Nah. Like Riri he has been getting better by not being written by Bendis.
It's the same arc just with the benefit of a tighter format, it didn't have to be thinned out over infinite comic issues. Miles is still hitting the same fucking notes as ten years ago when he launched.
I wonder how much of this criticism is legitimately that OP didn't like the film (not everyone likes the same thing) and how much is it "niggers and assertive women make my peepee small". Being on 4-chan so much, it's sometimes hard to tell.
>white woman
>asian woman
>black male
>everyone else masked
This is why I don't buy western capeshit any more.
You forgot that they made Miles more "urban" in the movie than Bendis did. In fact, Bendis barely gave him a personality beyond being Spider-man, questioning whether he should be Spider-man, and being friends with Ganke.
Making him a rap loving property vandalizing "urban youth" is both retarded and disingenuous towards the audience he was created to appeal to. This movie insults everyone equally while pretending to cater to them.
I haven't seen the Spiderverse but I think making a fat shlubby Peter who plays second fiddle to an urban successor and a loli is leagues better than taking Spider-Man's origin and rewriting it to fit in to some other guys story. It's almost like Miles should be the MCU Spidey
You’d think that but at the heart of LEGO Batman is a story about the importance of family, at the heart of spiderverse is a story about the importance of branding