I HATE Lucy!

I HATE Lucy!

Attached: 15802574321.jpg (1080x1148, 94.72K)

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Peanuts should have been porn

I need to see SB99's drawings of her, they were nice.

Attached: 73420472_1240936476105203_3944513429828898743_n.jpg (1080x1174, 97.8K)

this is very heathcliff esque

Attached: 2785720.png (2208x454, 1.37M)

He compiled most of them in this mega, along with some other girls.

Attached: 1d27b479eb1844ec6bbf12078bf965bc.jpg (499x415, 53.75K)

Oops forgot the link.

what mega?


Attached: 15887653456.jpg (1080x1048, 84.13K)

Attached: 158025743171.jpg (1080x1148, 101.05K)

Attached: 19590327.gif (600x129, 18.71K)

Attached: you are a fucker charlie brown.jpg (765x990, 168.88K)

Attached: vZf4i71[1].jpg (886x599, 143.73K)

Attached: destroyed.jpg (990x254, 79.31K)

For what purpose?

to make my weena feel good


Attached: 19720829.gif (600x130, 45.08K)

Attached: 876543.jpg (1080x1080, 120.33K)

I LOVE Lucy!

Attached: MV5BNDhhN2Y1NzMtNGVlZS00MTNjLWIxN2ItYzJiN2ZhMTc2OGIwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA4NzY1MzY@._V1_.jpg (1200x1765, 684.44K)

wtf i love lucy now

Attached: pea_32.jpg (1080x1332, 158.01K)

Attached: df683981bea066c39fb86b7d086df157.jpg (1332x1106, 216.34K)

I think the joke is that there's no record of Santa claus filling anybody's stokings, but Snoopy makes it seem like he doesn't fill specifically birds' stockings. There's a joke, even if it's pretty subtle and not very punchy, but it's not full on absurd-antihumor like heathcliff

Schulz draws feet really fucking weirdly.

Attached: peanuts 34.jpg (1300x906, 206.56K)

What a cunt

I find it erotic

Nice try Lucile Ball, stop coming back from the dead to shill your show!