Besides Daredevil, are any of the Marvel Netflix shows any good? What do you recommend?

Besides Daredevil, are any of the Marvel Netflix shows any good? What do you recommend?

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Luke cage season 2 is fun because bushmaster carries the whole thing, season 1 is pretty ok too i guess

The worst part of the Luke Cage show is Luke Cage.

So is that the only other good show?

The first season of Luke Cage is pretty good, the second one is a little more boring. The first season of Jessica Jones is actually pretty good too, mostly bc of the villain

I'm not going to watch Luke Cage and Jessica Jones because niggers, but is Iron Fist worth a look?


The lead actor is shit, but the first season of Iron Fist was the most fun of those Marvel Netflix shows t b h. The most fast-paced and not too mopey. The second season is irredeemable garbage.

Punisher is good. But I'll probably be the only one with that opinion.

No. Daredevil is the only good one.

First season of Jessica Jones was all right.

First half of first season of Luke Cage was good, until they killed off Cottonmouth.

Iron Fist was shit.

Jessica Jones was shit. Had one of the worst villains I've seen too.

I will never forgive Steve Lightfoot for throwing out the perfect setup that was given to him with Daredevil Season 2's Frank so he could make his weird little show about PTSD and Frank being a surrogate dad to various kids while sitting around contemplating whether or not he should go and be the punisher.

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Which one? Her sister?

Eh I still enjoyed it

Gregory Sallinger. He's even somehow worse than that whiny retard Kilgrave.

Not really. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage could do with some serious editing to cut them down to 7 episodes. That would improve both a lot

Not existing would improve Jessica Jones a lot.

Luke Cage stays good through episode 10, the problem is that Diamondback doesn't get enough development or a chance to cement himself in the narrative so once you get through with the flashback road trip you've got a story line that needs more episodes than it has to work. While everyone says the first half of LC is good, you could have squeezed out another episode for the back half just by cutting down on all the times you had Cottonmouth and Mariah arguing and Luke contemplating.

this honestly
i rewatched DDS2 and Frank actually acts like his comic book counterpart, always taking down every criminal (even that CP peddler in the store), no compromise to anyone and as determined as ever to fight his war
then comes his own show where they somehow forget all of that and Frank feels like having a life again
if they wanted a more human element they had fucking Microchip who they could have had operating with Frank and have him question Franks gruessome methods

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Jessica Jones season 1 is good but the Nuke storyline is cancer

Avoid Punisher season 2 at all costs

>Jessica Jones season 1 is good
No, it's all cancer.

Jessica Jones is honestly one of the worst shows I've seen in a very long time. It can only be considered good if you watch nothing but CW garbage.

It's about four episodes worth of a mildly interesting domestic drama about a PI, her personal issues, and the equally fucked up people in her life spread across 13 episodes of what barely counts as a superhero drama of her and everyone else repeatedly making the stupidest possible decisions regarding a sociopath with mind control powers.

Were any of these characters actually part of the Defenders in the comics?

No. Marvel just didn't want to use the Heroes For Hire name for some reason.

>What do you recommend?
Canceling your Netflix account.

It's a boring show about extremely stupid people including the main antagonist who might just be the dumbest of the lot.

>no Dr. Strange
>no Hulk
>no Namor
>no Silver Surfer
No Defenders.

>great tier
>good tier
>JJ S1
>LC S1
>DD S2
ok tier
>JJ S3
meh tier
>IF S2
>P S1
>P S2
bad tier
>IF S1
garbage tier
>JJ S2

Shit taste.

OP, watch Daredevil season 1 and Legion, the rest is garbage.