Rocko's Modern Tranny

Why do I want to fuck him?

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Being a female cartoon creator, she’s basically Lauren Faust with a frog penis scar.


Why would Joe Murray come out of retirement just to confuse children on a very basic biological concept?


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The reason it's not for children is why Nick sat on it until Netflix took it.

Children don’t give a shit and just accept shit for what it is. When I was a kid my neighbor dressed like a pirate every single day and I never questioned it.

for teh lulz

You know fucking well the target audience wasn't kids.

Loved the special but it almost feels like the wacky dell episode didnt happened in this continuity.

based trips of truth


>Children don’t give a shit and just accept shit for what it is.
I know, they're very easy to confuse and brainwash.
It was still a TV-G cartoon that was originally produced to air on Nickelodeon.

He says while sipping his ration of Onions


shut the fuck up tripfag,get the fuck out of here,no one wants you here

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>frogs can change gender
I'll allow it

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onions are tasty

Is the pirate thing a reference Im not getting or are you the same dude talking about his pirate neighbor?

Ralph is a frog..... Frogs swap genders sometimes,I;m not making this up.

It was even a plot point in Jurassic Park.

Projection is a fallacy and a failing.

Log off Pussy

I’ve mentioned it before on another board but I actually had a neighbor that dressed like a pirate every day and pretended to be one.

Did he illegally download media in order to live up to his title?

He said they swap sex, not gender, in a single sex environment. Out of necessity to reproduce.

This would have been clever if they mentioned thats exactly what happened, but they didnt because it was just shallow virtue signalling.

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Mental illness is ccontagious

Whatever it is,Ralph was all alone in his/her ice-cream truck so there weren't any females near him anyways.

Nah,It was a minor change and set up a good plot point later. It was well done,much better than what the SJW writers shit out.

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trips fags are cancer but trannies are worse