Now, MMS has had its share of supporters. One of the most famous is Kerri Riviera, a woman who continues the Andrew Wakefield theory that all autism is caused by bowel troubles. Well, since MMS is clearly a miracle cure, it can definitely cure autism - it cured her son’s autism, after all! How, you might ask?
I’m not joking. She advocates daily bleach enemas, and when the victims start passing giant chunks of their intestinal lining, she points at the pictures(and yes, there are LOTS of pictures. I’m not posting them.) and cries out “HAHA YOU SEE? IT’S KILLING THE -PARASITES!-” Another famous practitioner of bleach enemas and MMS taken orally is Amanda Mary Jewell, another nutcase who’s had to flee from several countries after repeatedly being caught administering cancer treatments, and building a body count. Jim Humble distanced himself from Amanda Mary, but not Kerri Riviera.
In the last few years, MMS has also gained some notoriety, after a pair of videos on youtube went viral, which seemed to show red cross workers in Uganda using MMS to cure malaria. Youtuber Myles Power, of course, tore the claim apart, and subsequently, the Red Cross made a statement that they were not involved with those treatments. Last year, another idiot named Sam Little began bragging to people like Myles Power, saying his MMS treatments helped thousands of cancer patients, malaria patients, etc. As a result, the link to a pastor named Robert Baldwin was discovered, who claimed to have trained 1,200 clerics in how to administer the ‘healing water’.
Last I heard, Baldwin is still walking free, while Sam Little was arrested on Marijuana possession charges, and had the book thrown at him.
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