DC Animated movie universe

they know exactly what they are doing, right?

Attached: 581.png (1324x1037, 752.28K)

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Attached: 1538331872853.jpg (1280x720, 53.79K)

Why can't they make a Superman movie based off of this fan short.

Attached: Superman Classic.jpg (849x455, 154.33K)

DC still understands that men are their target audience.


Attached: Justice League Gods and Monsters 2015.mp4_snapshot_01.06.32_[2020.04.09_00.30.07].png (1920x1080, 695.43K)

No, because those movies are terrible.

So, men are degenerates?

Attached: Wonder Woman vs. Platinum!_01-.webm (1280x720, 1.66M)

Attached: Wonder Woman vs. Platinum!_02-.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

I never understood why characters covered in fur decide to just go nude all the time. I assume it's because they're always warm, but it feels odd to imagine the moment someone decides to not only strip down in private, but to do so at a mass public level. And what if their nipples get hard or something in the middle of a cold day?