American comics in a nutshell

American comics in a nutshell

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hey buddy i think you got the wrong board the Yas Forumsnime club is two boards down

What went wrong ameribros?

Gee, who knows

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american cuisine

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I still like Kate Bishop (read Fraction’s Hawkeye online and didn’t pay a dime).

Whose nose? I don't know

Fat "people" are not people

cheesy potatoes is the bomb, idiot. This is some redneck shit though

Needs some bacon bits, green onions, and sour cream.

did they fucked? cause that'd be hot

Fuck me, now I've got to go make myself a baked potato.

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Still more than it's worth.

I have a bag of tater tots in the freezer. Should be close enough, no?

I dunno

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Get woke, go broke

you did, for becoming a fat stinky incel

>fat stinky incel
A feminist cat-lady?

this is satire right?

this vid is bait, right?

You haven't learned about the Si-FAN yet...

>Marvel went bankrupt in 1996
So you're saying the 90s were woke?

He's just propping up a no name e-celeb because "he say funny words that hurt SJW".

Nothing more than that.

It's just terrible people being given free reign over the long dead comics

Kraft singles suck.
real cheese or gtfo

You don't eat craft singles, right Yas Forums?

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Time is money.

here's my webcomic

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kraft singles are delicious.

People can be very serious about their religion.

Looks like a typical faggot to me.