Superheroes are fascist

Superheroes are fascist.
Can you refute it?

Attached: superman finest 615 dc.jpg (615x316, 95.17K)

Yes, I can.
>Most superheroes do not work for the state and are often at odds with the state, the superheroes make no attempt to take over anything
>Most superheroes lack the racism, xenophobia, and fanatic nationalism that's crucial to fascism
>Most superheroes just save people's lives and fight criminals that are a threat to society. They aren't trying to enforce their worldview or force people to act a certain way
>Most superheroes have in fact fought against fascist regimes at some point

They are a fascist power fantasy (which isn't inherently wrong, it's a fantasy), but no, they are not themselves fascist in-universe. This distinction is important, and the poster above me, and many like him, do not seem to be capable of understanding it.

>Most superheroes lack the racism, xenophobia, and fanatic nationalism that's crucial to fascism

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Are you defending the Japanese Empire?

Vigilantes aren't fascists, if they were fascists they'd align themselves with the government. The main tenet of fascism is that the political system is only allowed to have one party. Being a vigilante means, at the very least, working outside the framework of the party and the government, which is definitely not fascist.

But some (most?) of them are a fascist power fantasy, which is explored in depth in Watchmen.

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So,Why have people including intelligent people criticized Superhero as some sort of fascist or authoritarian?

Because they're using language incorrectly.

Because inflammatory headlines get more clicks.

If it is logic calling Superhero genre fascist power fantasy,this logic can be applied to any wish-fullfillment fiction,can't it?

Because most superheroes are an ideal, handsome, manly, stoic. So part of the system of oppression in a convoluted way by the bitter degenerates who hates ideals

Yeah, you might as well call Harry Potter, Star Wars, Dragon Ball, and Super Mario fascist with that logic.

Only if said fiction involves imposing your will on the world through force.

Why are people posting in a /thread?

Because Nietzchean ubermensch got co-opted by the Nazis as part of their whole "superior race" bullshit

It's an extremely convenient coincidence that ubermensch also translates to superman

There are many academic article discussing Superhero's fascistic, authoritarian nature.
Don't they prove Superheroes are some sort of fascist?

Because they assume that the fact that Batman is a rich guy that fights criminals must mean that he's a rich person that enjoys beating up poor people. Never mind that most Batman villains are actually quite rich.

Attached: Batman brutalizing the 99%.png (750x400, 144.85K)

Because those people are just attempting to be contrarians and don’t believe in an even playing field.

When did ordinary Superheroes enforce their will on the world?

I fucking wish they were, but too many comic writers are Jews.

Do superheroes actually "impose their will on the world" though? They only react to threats as they happen, they don't really proactively do anything.

When they circumvented the laws of democratically elected officials to (in their view) improve the world by means of violence.

Depends on the character. Superman is reactive. Batman is not. Batman actively works to change his city on a structural level through illegal means.

Nah. There are many articles discussing homeopathy, too. You can find something authoritative sounding to back up any opinion.

Home in quarantine

The X-Men currently are.

Superhero are called fascist in both
case that they appreciate status-quo and they begin to enforce their will on the world for better world.
So, no matter what Superheroes do thing, Superheroes shoud be calle fascist?

the xmen haven't been heroes in years

Why would a bunch of Jews create a genre about fascism?

If Superheroes are fascist.
It can be applied into most manga
and anime because they are wish-fullfillment power fantasy too.

>Superman is reactive
Except when he isnt.

Will Eisner. Joe Simon, Jack Kirby. Siegel and Shuster, Bob Kane, Gil Kane, Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Gaines and Al Feldstein, Joe Kubert, Bill Finger, Julius Schwartz... more talented than anyone you've ever met.

No. Think about the words you're using.

Why would a bunch of jews create a nation about fascism?

Taunting a wartime enemy isn't fascism.

No, not in current year.

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I agree.
But,People call Superheroes fascist or totalitarian in both case.
When Superheroes appreciate humanity, Superheroes are authoritarian or fascist because they appreciate status-quo.
When Superheroes begin reform of society, Superheroes are fascist because they don't appreciate humanity.
If so, Superheroes are fascist no matter what they do.
Isn't it unreasonable?

Is English your second language? I'm not being critical, just wondering.

Alan Moore concluded Superheroes are inherently fascist and supremacist.
Isn't it answers?

Marrow works for apocalypse?

Moore is wrong about a lot of things. He's not an infallible wise man.

I want to discuss why Superheroes are always called fascist no matter what they do.