JSA Storytime: Transformers

Good evening owls and robofuckers,

I think this is where we should pick mainline back up

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Hello, Storyteller.

>owls and robofuckers
What about people who want to fuck robot owls?

i'm still behind on the stories but whatever just hanging.

weird DC is just gonna let comic shops distribute but whatever. wish they'd work out digital and lcses. it's nice to see like Cates and Kevin Smith pay off shops pull lists but like these are not actions of a sustainable model imo

Yas Forums is bad, people are mad about black catwoman now, there's like a 400 post superman vs the Klan thread, unrelated did we talk about x-men in fortnite? that's wild

not allowed

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Show me one robot owl in popular fiction that isn't that one Ray Harryhausen movie.

did anyone ever find out whether Midnighter's owls were Starlin or the artist?

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yes, I would take a PrOWL

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Oh right shit I forgot there was a PrOWL. Prowl is volcel though so it's fine, moot point.

Owls are volcels.

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Actually frightens me a little bit that we have this level of groupthink on owl and volcel references thread, NGL.

we've all been here far too long for our own good

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Maybe we've all been exposed to the Enigma of Combination. Fuck, that's still really stupid.

Speaking of really stupid.

I enjoy how Galvatron appreciates Arcee as a fellow ultraviolent.

Don't bully Astrotrain, you jerk.

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I mean, you most of all OP.


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well yeah

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>Prowl's character description is just "Prowl"

So what's everyone playing?

Took a break from Girl Genius to get in some more FFVII Remake. Got some quality time with Aerith, and she is just delightful. The villains are hilarious in how they revel in their own bullshit. By the way, Scarlet, I am pretty sure her intro scene is someone's fetish.

Also, this game is doing things, that you've almost certainly heard of by now, that I frankly respect.

FF13. It finally fucking opened up after ~20 hours

it's fucking perfect

got back to HEARTS OF STONE today, playing the wedding as Geralt with that asshole's brother was super-uncomfortable! I still banged Shanni!

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I still don't know what exactly FF7R does do beyond fucking with the timeline/alternate worlds. I would be more keen on that if it wasn't a Nomura game. Like, a lot of the spin-offs of the original FF7 were fairly shit.

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Prowl/Tarn is the one true volcel pairing.

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I'm convinced that game convinced Squeenix to tone that shit right the fuck down. Say hat you will about 15, it was pretty straightforward.

It's pretty much just the alternate timeline thing. It's likely that all the little changes will eventually snowball into something bigger, but so far it's mostly the same story.

Can't believe Starscream got a whole issue of his being beaten up by Megatron but Prowl has to share his leader beatdown with an Arcee B-Plot. Truly, there is no justice.

I respect it for the dedication to mixing things up. Just hope it doesn't go all Dirge of Cerberus.

omg, you're so right. also Starscream got drawn by Nick Roche at his kink-smuggling best.

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Optimus can be pretty damn harsh for a Prime that always gives Megs another chance. Remember when he provoced him even after Optimus already broke the rules for him and set him free from that electrical bondage? Yeah, Optimus kept talking nicely to him.

This fight and rejecting friendship/using opportunity is also a weird mirror of Starscream and uh, that guy whose name I can't remember. Metalhawk.

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>tone that shit right the fuck down. Say hat you will about 15, it was pretty straightforward.
I've heard that the two sequels each have completely different mechanics and get to the heart of it faster, but the stories are still both very convoluted.
The biggest issue to understanding the story to FF13 is that there aren't really in-cutscene exposition dumps. After a cutscene, it instead dumps paragraphs and paragraphs of unsaid exposition in an index menu.

would dearly appreciate a cleaned up close up of that big dinobot face in the center panel, if anyone is up to it.

Lore is overrated, we need to go back to stripped-down games that kick nerds in the face. They put lore in DOOM ffs, that's like a crime against God.

I got a new mouse that does color and I can't stop staring at it

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Again, I suspect Square learned from 13, so even if they're willing to let Nomura play around, they'll never let him take that much of a piss.

I like that. But is it really smuggling when it's so obvious?

It got printed, it had to get past some even slight version of S&P

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