Why did her character have to get shit washed?

"But but she was black in some joke series from the 60s!!!!"

The character was originally white and should have stayed that way.

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Why are you making this thread everyday you lolcow?

You made this thread yesterday

other than you making this thread yesterday i'm still replying to it because i'd bang both white and black catwoman

Also Year One

Attached: EG3oVlKUcAEx-lz.jpg (1200x675, 51.14K)

>"But but she was black in some joke series from the 60s!!!
and the catwoman movie, lego Batman movie, and The Batman

Yes. Michelle Pfeiffer is the template.

Why does the mere existence of non-whites bother you so much?

Isn't that just a southern italian?

Ah yes, the cinematic masterpiece of the movie, totally a great argument. She wasn't a nog in the batman cartoon either unless you're talking about some other pile of capeshit.

*Audrey Hepburn

>and The Batman
No, she wasn't
Not OP but why are casual white people so insecure that they need to "help" black people by blackwashing popular characters when good black characters already exist?

Does anyone else find irony in making a character that's a thief black?

Read the comic if you don't want to see a black catwoman instead of watching cartoons. Problem solved.

>No, she wasn't
It sure fooled me.

Attached: Catwoman_TB.jpg (360x450, 18.53K)

Relax, this doesn't effect your life. The mainline comics version of her is still white and comics allow for many different interpretations of the same character. Also, Earth Kitt's Catwoman is a great performance and Batman '66 is kino.

Have some relaxing music:

What kind of retard still pays money for 20 pages of bullshit?

Are you one of those blind retards who think Lex Luthor from Superman The Animated Series was black? No, that Selina wasn't black either

Attached: Cat.jpg (360x450, 19.78K)

>Ah yes, the cinematic masterpiece of the movie

Attached: Catwoman_2004.webm (640x480, 1.82M)

The show is secretly redpilled.

>Psycho calling a woman a cunt becomes an overblown gag
>Feminism as a form of torture
>Queen of Fables tries to make her imprisonment an example of female oppression, only for it to be shown that she was full of shit
>King Shark is best waifu

You know, you guys used to be able to at least keep up a pretense of having real copmlaints instead of literally going "I'm mad that there are blacks."

That's not irony you dumbass.

>>and The Batman
>No, she wasn't
Upcoming movie "The batman"

She was white in 12 episodes of the 60s series during season 1 and 2, she was white in 3 live action movies, she was only black in 3 episodes of the 60s series during the very last season.

Attached: 0ee30f0915a7530629366692f4d24bb2.jpg (765x960, 68.27K)

Yes, and? She's white in many cartoons and black in others. Is the same.

>"But but she was black in some joke series from the 60s!!!!"
>Also, Earth Kitt's Catwoman is a great performance and Batman '66 is kino.

There were three different Catwomen in '66 series. Which one is suppose to be Selina Kyle, and what are the secret ids of the other two?

What does she lose by not being white?

Oh that. Big surprise, movies and cartoons bend over backwards for SJW nonsense.

>dude these stats i read said you're not allowed to have more blacks than i like

Attached: Catwoman_2008.webm (1920x800, 2.32M)

Being a mutt makes PURR-fect sense, her story is about a street kid in a major urban area.

>casual mad about secondary garbage

These are the kinds of goofy threads where I'm curious if people would post if required to use their real names on.

>These are the kinds of goofy threads where I'm curious if people would post if required to use their real names on.
Hasn't stopped people from threatening the president on twitter with their real names.

And I say The catwoman in season 1&2 is a different character than the one in season 3.

The white one can be selina and the black one can be the '66 earth version of the one from the halle berry movie who wasn't named selina.

>There were three different Catwomen in '66 series. Which one is suppose to be Selina Kyle, and what are the secret ids of the other two?
They didn't care or joke about it.

Attached: tumblr_piiaagTAFy1wzvt9qo3_500[1].gif (500x280, 1.32M)

You know what? You got me there.

That's fucking stupid. Black people aren't the only people who face hardships. Plus Selina never had to deal with racism

you have never been kissed on the lips haven't you

But you can easily write that she does.

her race has nothing to do with her story. She can be black, white, red, or green.

It's ALMOST like it's night time in that scene or something?

Looks like a tanned white woman to me.

Your mom prefers my asshole, but we're working up towards it

How about no?

I care, and so should they.
>Catwoman has ninja shadow clone technique?

Honestly I think Eartha Kitt was a better Catwoman then Julie Newmar.


Still kinda looks like Hepburn, just with the slider turned to brown.

Too me it's much more important that she has a pixie cut.

Actually yeah, it does. When a character hasn't dealt with racism in nearly 80 years of material, it's kind of late to do so now. Furthermore as a friendly reminder, Selina Kyle is a Italian/Cuban woman

Attached: Catwoman_001.webm (1920x800, 1.67M)

>A "Your Mom" comeback
Not that user, but come back when you're 18

Because Eartha Kitt is the most memorable Catwoman

That's a bold faced lie

This topic is the only time I see Yas Forums care about Catwoman.

Why do you even care about the race of a glorified side character?