What Fantastic Four villains do you wanna see in the MCU now?

What Fantastic Four villains do you wanna see in the MCU now?

Do not say Doctor Doom or Galactus.

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Dr Doom with Galactus powers.

Dunno, probably Doctor Doom or maybe Galactus.

be honest op, these responses are what you expected

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What id Dr Doom was a lost prince of Atlantis who was also a large winged green and purple bug man who lived in an alternate negative zone version of Atlantis that tries to enter the positive matter universes so he can consume Earth, which is how he powers himself. But first sends his herald the Puppet Master, to steal Reed's portal device and fights the FF by using Doom's specially made clay to control the FF members.


Doom the Annihilating Conqueror.

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Mole Man.

The Fantastic Four fight giant monsters, damnit.

So whose left? Annilhus and Mole Man?

Doombots or the Silver Surfer.

The Super-Skrull, the MCU couldn't use Super-Skrulls before this even though it could use Skrulls. The reason they used Talos in Captain Marvel is because he's one of the few relevant named Skrulls that didn't debut in FF or Silver Surfer, but in Hulk.

They'll probably make use of the FF's villains, but they might not necessarily fight the FF.
Ghost never fought Ant-Man in the comics, and Taskmaster barely ever interacted with Black Widow. But since those heroes didn't really have any good villains to work with, they changed things around.
I could see Annihilus in a GotG or Nova movie. The Mad Thinker and the Puppet Master could be used in one of those Disney+ shows. And of course, Kang the Conqueror (whose rights were tied to the FF because that's where he technically appeared first) would naturally fight the Avengers.

I would rather they save Annihilus for an Infinity War level event with Annihilation. It won't happen but it's what I'd want.

Blastaar!! He blastin'!!!!

Doctor Doom as Galactus new herald

>The Mad Thinker and the Puppet Master could be used in one of those Disney+ shows.

I was hoping they'd used Mad Thinker on AoS back in the day before I boycotted all MCU bullshit. Mad Thinker would have been a perfect little villain for a show like that.

Can Doctor Doom fight Spider-Man?

That was actually going to be the original plot of Fant4stic, which explains why Doom randomly wanted to destroy the world in the final movie.

Psycho-Man would be fun, but mostly because I just want to see the Micronauts (or whichever of them Marvel still owns the rights to i.e. Bug and Arcturus Rann) in the MCU

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I would not expect a movie Klrt to have any other origin but being hidden on board Reed's ship with the rest of the team and getting hit with cosmic rays too.

The Terrible Trio is clearly the best possible choice.

Even better if they keep their early 60s checkered suits

They open a portal to the Negative Zone and out comes Blastaar and Genis. Their cosmic shenanigans create the cosmic rays Reed was not prepared for.

I dont want to see any F4 villain in the MCU.

Underated comment, only missing that he is from the future, Wich is when Atlantis is founded until lost into the past and devoured by tony starks future A.I who also was transported into the past from even further into the future.

Mole Man is also a versatile villain that can be used against pretty much anybody above street level.

Mole Man and he will be a joke but you will have several CGI monsters and normies will love it.


You just know that they'll make some kind of Simpsons reference.

There should be 4 FF movies, first against Moleman, then against Doom, then against Galactus then against Annihilus.

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Doctor Doom or Galactus

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