Is society to blame for the decline in his popularity?
Is society to blame for the decline in his popularity?
Maybe, but arguably also WB and then DC.
Yes, the fact that you can no longer say that a straight white male is a good person has completely undermined him.
I think bad writers are the reason for his decline in popularity
when was the last time Superman actually got a good and original story?
yes, given that society buys or doesn't buy superman stuff and cares or doesn't care about superman stuff.
who else would be to blame? nature? god? aliens? timespace?
It's a mix of Bendis and the current media he's been given. There's nothing wrong with Superman, he's a cool guy.
No, it's basically just the fact that he hasn't had a good (or at the very least, successful and well-received) live-action movie in 40 years. As far as I'm aware, his comics still sell very well compared to other cape stuff, but the general population doesn't read comics and the number of people who do is dwindling across the board (at least the western market). The characters who are popular in the public conscious are the ones who have had successful blockbusters. Given how much people love Captain America, I really don't think anyone is actually opposed to the idea of a pure-hearted, boyscout hero when it comes down to it.
More shit writers than anything, look at the reception to Cap's "boyscout" behavior in Winter Soldier, him remaining steadfast against the backdrop of modern pessimism and moral greys was met with approval.
Writers just don't want to put in the work to voice these things or voice them well, so you either get Superman types shuffled to the back so more contemporary types can lead the narrative or you have him front and center but mumbling platitudes that ring hollow due to the writer basically copy pasting ideas they themselves don't care about but need to fill the quota or may feel but don't understand, or at least not in a competent way they can convey.
What we need, what we've always needed and will, is sensible scribes. Thing is business makes it so instead of people who know their craft it's more common or simpler to just hire your buddies or whoever's popular at the moment and hope they will carry the properties or vice versa.
see, a lot of people that go "I don't like superman" has little to no knowledge of the comics superman, or even the older movies. Most people just have the vague notions and vague concepts surrounding superman in fair notion through cultural osmosis, having absorbed information through hear-say or by reading some small posts here and there.
The Joker has hardly ever faced him,
Honestly? I think Superman is probably the worst concept for a superhero ever. I've been a comic book fan for a long time but for even longer I've been frustrated with the popularity of Superman.
Here's my case:
-Source of powers sucks: SM is widely considered to be one of, if not THE, most powerful superhero in the DC universe and yet, what's the source of his powers? The EARTH's sun. This makes his powers completely arbitrary and a simple accident of birth. Most importantly, he's not really inherently powerful at all making the whole "christ-figure" subtext of his family sending him to earth as the last surviving member of his race ineffective.
-He's too powerful, making for boring unrelatable story-lines: Besides the obvious proportionality issue with his strength (i.e. how can a man that can lift a train, also use this same strength to punch a human crook without having his fist go through his chest?) having a godlike figure defending the city from everyday crime is about as exciting as watching me use my "god-like" RAID weapon to kill my bathroom cockroaches. Not much of a battle and certainly not an interesting one.
-In order to address my last point, we give you Kryptonite! The most boring idea to build a storyline around ever and yet one that is required in almost every circumstance where SM must battle common humans. It's such a freaking cop out and just so dull.
-Batman/Superman partnerships only showcase the problems with the conception of SM: I love Batman and think that he's is a wonderful character that has developed beautifully over the decades. But even the idea that he would exist in the same world as SM is kind of stupid and pairing them together only highlights the fact that the SM creators really wrote themselves into a corner with SM and his largely unlimited powers. What can BM honestly bring to a pairing of the two?
Simply put the nature of SM's powers doesn't arouse the imagination.
>how can a man that can lift a train, also use this same strength to punch a human crook without having his fist go through his chest
how can you break twigs but not break the arm of a dog you're petting?
Superman drags everything down. Fuck him. He did it as recently as in the DCEU when they tried to force him down everyone's throats and people still didn't care. Wonder Woman and Batman were more interesting anyways and should've just led the JL instead of hurt we need Superman because he's overpowered which is the only reason you ever need Superman.
Hes straight, white. He's also in some continuities married with a kid. He also hold all life to be sacred, so he'd be Anti-Abortion. He was born and raised as a born again christian by strict republican parents in the reddest state in the union.
Basically. If Superman was real? He'd be nominally conservative at best, and a Trump supporter at worst. But the people who own the rights to him fucking HATE Trump and his supporters. So they can't write a character that relates to the common people on that level. So they just keep him in his lane fighting giant monsters, and mad scientists without going deep into the deeper conservative themes of his heroism. and that's why he'll never be relevant ever again.
>I love Batman and think that he's is a wonderful character that has developed beautifully over the decades.
And here we find the root of the problem. I've never encountered a single Batfag who has anything positive to say about Superman. It's always the same complaints too. Ironically, batfags never claim that Batman is overpowered, despite going toe-to-toe against mythological beings, gods, new gods, demons, etc, while still being an above average human. The term "Batgod" exists because Batman has legitimately become overpowered over the years. The meta-narrative of his ridiculous plot armor has taken on a life of its own in the form of the Batman who Lols.
It's a sad fucked up world we live in when the movie about the homicidal incel clown is considered more of a symbol of hope and freedom than fucking Superman.
Yeah Superman was immensely popular before Bendis picked up his comic.
he's better as a villain desu
>-Batman/Superman partnerships only showcase the problems with the conception of SM
Also that Batman and Superman crossovers almost always reduce him to Batmans Sidekick rather than treating them as equals.
I'd argue the opposite. If it wasn't for Fucking Batmans popularity , they wouldn't have felt the need to have the DC universe be so dark and gritty and take itself so damn seriously.
Batman can exist in his own little grimdark hellworld. But when you try to put Superman in that same kind of setting? He ceases to be Superman.
No, the writing just sucks for him.
Exactly. Thats the tragedy of it. The only time they can think to make fucking Superman an actual character and not this bland Iconic 'muh symbol of hope' with all the personality of an empty cocacola bottle. Is when they don't even bother trying and just have him be as horrible as possible
People need the visual reintroduction to who Supes really is, the way Cap got with First Avenger and TWS.
Superman needs to be the boyscout, the paragon of justice, a good man. But he needs to look cool doing it. That's the key.
Chris Evans made Cap look GOOD.
Caville could have made Clark look amazing, but the film was mired in depression and grit needlessly and suffered because it failed to be what Superman really is. Hopeful, and awesome.
That's why my movie pitch has always been an action comedy featuring Superman vs. Lobo
Because there is only so much you can do with a man who can't make bad choices, can't make mistakes, can't ever be defeated by the bad guy, or ever act in any way less than absolutely perfectly.
His terrible movies, lack of video games, and average cartoon play more of a role in his decline. Comic don't count since they are just a niche hobby that most people don't care about.
You can do a lot with Superman, you just have to not be a complete hack. Also,
>can't ever be defeated by the bad guy
Based trips of truth.
>Caville could have made Clark look amazing, but the film was mired in depression and grit needlessly and suffered because it failed to be what Superman really is. Hopeful, and awesome.
I thought man of steel was a good movie if you look at it more as a science fiction movie rather than a Superhero movie. BVS though killed all the goodwill people had towards it. Which is a shame.
I'm not even angry at the people involved anymore. The entireSuperman Ip has been mired in so many bad decisions, poor management, and just outright damn bad luck, that I doubt even a great filmmaker can redeem the character in the eyes of the public. It's literally gotten that bad.
He might eventually get a movie that doesn't suck. But he's never going to have the relevancy he once had since he's been replaced in the public eye by Captain America and Iron man as the 'muh symbols of hope' characters.
Captain America was already popular among normie audiences before Civil War, which was the first time he was shown to make a mistake.
Oh joy. Kryptonite. the original lazy Plot device. At least be creative! Use Red Sun generators or something else for christssake! No more fucking Kryptonite!
No, Warner Bros is for not putting out decent movies, cartoons, or games as comic books become irrelevant
>Captain America was already popular among normie audiences before Civil War, which was the first time he was shown to make a mistake.
Exactly. Unlike Superman Cap is still a human being at the end of it all. So he doesn't have the impossible expectations of perfect behavior Superman has. He's still human and has human limitations. He can mess up, he can fail, he can make mistakes and get hurt and it doesn't hurt his character or who he is.
Superman? You do even one of those things fans shit themselves in a 'HOW DARE YOU!' outrage.
I'll do you one better.