Is anyone actually a fan of Kwannon?

Is anyone actually a fan of Kwannon?

Attached: 108958-138593-revanche.jpg (369x564, 381.54K)

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Idk who that is but she looks good for cooming

>Idk who that is

Betsy's sexy asian meat suit.

Attached: 1581315948791.jpg (461x635, 92.67K)

She is Psylocke now.

No, the Psylocke change was done solely to appease virtue signalers.
Kwannon is a non-character who only existed to explain where Betsy's Asian body came from.

Since she is Psylocke now and people only care about the body and look, she has fans.

Attached: Psylocke.jpg (1478x2326, 1.77M)

>>Kwannon is a non-character who only existed to explain where Betsy's Asian body came from.
W-what? She wasn't born asian?

It was also an unseccary retcon since before it was Mojo giving her magical plastic surgery.

Is it just me, or does trying to "fix" something that's problematic just end up spiraling wildly out of control to create a host of new problems?

Betsy was born blonde. She's Captain Britain's twin sister

She joined the X-Men, went through a magical portal that sent her anywhere in the universe and temporarily wiped her memories.
When the X-Men found her again she was an Asian assassin going by Lady Mandarin

You're full of crap. I care about Betsy's personality and so do a lot of other people.. Kwannon is not a substitute for Betsy. Psylocke is properly Betsy with the Ninja body and look. They need to remerge.

Or, if I have to phrase it in superficial terms(since you think people only care about her for superficial reasons), Kwannon-locke doesn't have a british accent and vocal mannerisms.

Kwannon-locke is a soulless shell.

>Kwannon is a non-character who only existed to explain where Betsy's Asian body came from.
Originally there was NO bodyswap. The bodyswap was a stupid fucking retcon done after Claremont left to create more dram when suddenly THE TRUE BETSY BRADDOCK RETURNED. Except it was this ninja girl from Japan who was body swapped with Betsy and just so happened to have similar powers and be facially similar enough to Betsy that they could be mistaken for each other.

It was so bad. So fucking bad. And I never thought people would acknowledge it existed, and yet here we are. Fucking KWANNON is canon again.

I kind of love how bent over backwards it is.

She was the cute and girly one upset that she couldn't punch people.

Attached: PsylockeUncanny.jpg (500x1332, 92.55K)

Shit like this gives me hope that someone might recognize this fuckery with Bobby and that we might get some justice for him sometime in the future.

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this is the most elegant solutions

Betsy Braddock is the British Claremont character, sister of Captain Britain, new Captain Britain. Basically the 80s xmen one of the Outback period. She is captain britain now.

Kwannon is the sexy Asian tittymonster ninja that shows skin and is a killing machine and was in marvel vs capcom. she is Psylocke now.

Whats more fucked up is that Betsy also isn't allowed to use all her ninja training anymore and immediately switched to sword and board.

Betsy and kwannon work best when combined; separated they just don’t have the same appeal. It was kwannon’s appearance and ninja skills combined with betsy’s psychic powers, personality and accent that made psylocke work.
It was a dumb thing to do it probably won’t be undone due to everyone being hyper sensitive about this shit these days.

No, Psylocke should be Betsy, a sexy ninja with a british accent and psychic blades who is Captain Britains sister.

If you want to get rid of the body swap, retcon her into being is half-sister/step-sister/adopted sister. This allows you to keep her asian dodging the idots on twitter who were desperate to try and get cebulski fired and alonso rehired.

Nobody really cared about pre-ninja with psychic blades betsy.

Fuck off Marvel, its a terrible solution.
Betsy is Psylocke.
Kwannon is Revanche.

On a conceptual level she's got a pretty decent setup. She's an empath who is also an assassin, she's got identity issues out the ass because both her body and memories have been fucked with on a fundamental level, everyone who knows the truth about her, how she was originally, and how she was changed is perfectly willing to lie to, manipulate, and use her for their own ends, and the heroes, including the woman who went through the exact same situation with her, don't really give a shit about helping her. Sure, she's an asshole, but she's also a fairly pitiable victim and less of an asshole than a notable amount of X-Men members.

Imagine coming back to your body knowing some British slattern has fucked around like CRAZY in it.

Betsy and Kwannon start dying to to psychic-souls interwined and Betsy's body falling apart from being made out of psychic pixie dust reasons, they become friends and remerge into one body with their souls and minds merging. New individual incorporates Kwannon as part of her legal name. IE "Betsy Kwannon" or "Kwannon Betsy Bradock". (Is Kwannon her given name or family name, I can't remember.) Either way is okay with Betsy as a nickname.

Is this a workable fix for anyone?

"Kwannon" is the name of a Japanese buddhist goddess of among other things luck. It's a nickname/alias adopted by her when she joined the Hand. her real name has never been stated or even hinted at, nor do we know anything about her background other than that she was Matsu'o's girl.

Off the top of my head, not too bad.

Technically it's not even a correct romanization. It should be Kannon. "Kwannon" is now considered an incorrect outdated spelling.

Thanks to Fallen Angels we know she was also a mother.

"Kian Yun" I think is the original no?

When it's done by hacks who haven't a hope in hell of patching the infinite plot-hole collage that is modern comics continuity
.>You're full of crap. I care about Betsy's personality
More than anything else, more than the SJWs or the CGs or corporate ineptitude, this is the problem; people way too fucking invested in what ought to be an entertaining hobby. Even that's not their fault, just what our world has made them.

It's Guan Yin.

It's more like:
>be Hand assassin in love with crime lord
>Hand goes "kill your boyfriend"
>you try, because you're Japanese and something something honor, and wind up being thrown off a cliff and rendered comatose
>your boyfriend and boss go "we cool," grab your body and that of one of the unimportant X-Men and try to combine you two like some weird Steven Universe fetish fic
>she wakes up with all your ninja skills and a smoking hot half-asian bod
>you wake up with most of your memories gone, most of the remaining ones not lining up with the rest, speaking with the wrong accent, and with a face you don't recognize
>you go fight the X-Men, as people are want to do
>turns out your boyfriend was manipulating you
>you go fight the Hand
>turns out your boss was manipulating you
>you discover that pretty much everything about your identity is a deception or falsehood on some level and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it
>get a pity invite to the X-Men
Kwannon had a hard life.

The kerfuffle around psylocke made me have a think about the nature of identity, especially in settings where things like magic plastic surgery and body swapping are possible.
For example, say Betsy’s been in Kwannon’s body for a few years now. Sure she wasn’t born Japanese but she has lived experience of being a Japanese woman since that’s what she’s perceived to be.
In my opinion lived experience trumps any initial identity someone has at birth.
If someone is born male but transitions to female and passes they are for all intents and purposes a woman and are treated as such, no one would dare say they were really a man.
Why is gender fluid to these people when race is not, despite the fact that both are immutable genetic traits?