If you could write for the Big 2, would you? Would you want a specific character/team or would you try and make your OC a thing and hope they stick (and collect those sweet royalty checks)?
If you could write for the Big 2, would you...
Personally I would want to reinvigorate characters maybe with some changes
One idea I had was to essentially make Genius Jones into DC’s answer to Detective Conan.
>If you could write for the Big 2, would you?
I'd want to write mostly DC but moonlight at Marvel for What Ifs or Minis.
I want to write Detective Comics with Declan Shalvey to work with for art and Jordie Bellaire for colors
And a new Gotham Central book centered on Barbara and Tim going legit and being cops leading to them becoming Detectives
Superman for at least a few issues I have idea for interesting villains and foils and I'd bring back kid Jon if possible.
I have ideas for a Question centered team book called The Question Agency. Featuring both Vic, Renee, and other team members Detective Chimp and Cass/Orphan/Batgirl whatever editorial would let me have her as. Babs wouldn't be Batgirl at this time.
And an elseworld/imprint miniline for my OC-verse featuring the team "The Mighty Misfits" composed of characters made by my high school friends and I playing superhero tabletop rpgs living in a world of shameless parody and pastiche
I'd want to write
>Martian Manhunter
John Jones is a police detective in a small Colorado town that seems to attract weird. When he comes across cases that appear to have a paranormal slant, he switches to his true form to solve them in secret as the Martian Manhunter. Kinda like X-Files, but the detective is also an alien.
Series also deals with J'onn J'onzz's alienation and isolation. He likes humans, but fears opening up. Being from a telepathic race that was constantly connected through a universal "voice," he feels cut off and lonely amongst a species he can never truly communicate all his thoughts with. Themes of personal identity, consciousness, and philosophy of mind.
>The Creeper
It's kind of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing, but not: instead of being afraid of his monstrous and insane alter ego, Jack Ryder is addicted to the thrill of letting go, losing control, and becoming something bigger and more terrifying than himself. In fact, he's almost like a drug addict, and his close ones begin to worry about him. Series has a pulpy/horror vibe, but also doesn't take itself too seriously, like a B-movie.
My main what if idea for Marvel.
Itd just be called "Moon Knight: What If"
Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley are all seperate people with their own lives who all make a mistake the night of their untimely "deaths" with Marc's being pretty much the same. But Khonshu draws upon all 3 men and force them to share one body, one vessel, to be The Moon Knight. One persona controls the body at a time, and all want time to use the body. The men already look a lot alike for obvious reasons and so the faces just gain/switch key distinct markers and features when they switch who's in control.
When they are mortally wounded the persona retreats and the next one pops right back up. So if someone shoots Jake in the head, Marc can pop right back up, bloody but healed. The Moon Knight is functionally immortal now.
They all have to use their own skills and experiences to help fight crime in their own way and help eachother collectively.
Fuck and yeah is my answer.
Writing for DC Comics would be awesome !
I might do a Green Arrow mini. It'd also be fun to try and write an old school Captain Marvel (shazam) book too.
>Main canon titles will be limited to 25 per month.
>Once every two months, there will be a 40 page elseworld/what-if series to give creators a chance to re-invent lesser known characters.
>Changes to the characters are to happen organically.
>There will be at least one editor overseeing all of the summaries of titles being released to make sure there isn't too much repetition.
>Artists and writers are to get an extra $100 for every issue they work on, to be paid at the end of the year, but any controversial tweet or post, or interview will have $200 of that bonus deducted.
>Classic story lines will be available on Disney Plus to read.
>A promotion/ad showing the comics that inspired the movies will play before and after the movie they inspired.
>Two issues every month, will be dedicated to finding new writers and artists.
>Not all comics will be collected in tpb, only the big sellers, and critically acclaimed ones. Everyone else will have to settle for the individual issues until an omnibus is released.
I heard about a Green Arrow au Id love to steal if I was shameless enough, where Oliver hires a bunch of other fit blonde guys to dress up as green arrows and hit crimes without him or at the same time as he hits his main targets and makes the mystery of who GA is really confusing for the police/crime underworld. Also gives a real Robin Hood and his Merry Men vibe
Post fun ideas plz
I like these threads and there's no new comics
i'm on to you marketer-kun
I would only write for DC if I could write superman
I have a habit of revamping "lame" villains into something new. But when I think about it, I'm mostly an idea man. Sure I can write a few fics, but I never do because I ask "What's the point?". I've seen, and tried, comic script writing and its a huge pain in the ass.
>Panel one; blah blah blah
>Panel two; etc
It just feels so mechanical, no flow to it. Plus I don't even know if I could write for the big two, or handle the expectations of handling such iconic names.
The only reason to introduce an OC in big two comics is for the royalty check, which isn’t guaranteed and you don’t own most of it. Plus it usually looks obvious when a creator does it (Bendis, Snyder DiDio AHEM)
I'd read that MM series. Shit push it straight to HBO
I would give pic related an ongoing/mini
>Would you write for the Big 2.
Yes. But I wouldn't want, like, an A list character (outside of maybe Superman). I'd ham it up with C listers and do some awesome things with them. Like, Green Arrow or Daredevil would be my dream gigs.
I would like an all-ages storyline where I could write a family friendly version of characters while still maintaining their fundamental characteristics.
Basically something Batman: Brave and the Bold, but, y'know, as a comic.
Can't believe I forgot to include my staple book no matter what that id write for as long as they let me would be The Green Lantern / Hal Jordan with Frank Cho as main artist. Issues can happen anytime through Hal's career
I would write a better cinimatic universe, it would start with a superman movie, Superman would be deemed a strange being, as noone knows what he is. later a few other kryptonians occour, and they would attack the city, trying to create a robotic army, this would design a story on how superman would prefer humanity over kryptonians. The second movie would have batman appearing, having a similar appearance of him saving people as the fights go on. after the fights, Bruce gets furiated on how many deaths occour, there will be fight scenes on how bruce takes on the Mob, and fucks up the bosses, but also shows how he saves them to learn again to quit a life of crime, superman comes in to gotham to fight one of the bosses, but to only destory houses, bruce comes in asking superman," do you care for man?" Lex Luthor wont be simply evil, rather a man with a god complex, he would drug superman with a (pick your color) kryptonite with a head set that lets lex control him, destroying buildings, after, Superman has to prove his innocence. Amanda Waller comes in to the batcave, her giving zero fucks, she goes up to batman stating he has to kill him. batman slowly considers this and says he will kill him. the fight goes on, but superman would accidently punch batman in the chest, however a honeycomb of spiked kryptonite would latch on his skin. batman would try to stab the spear on clark, until superman cries, begging for his life, batman can't take his life as he remembers how he felt that day. after he gains his composure, he finds out Lex was behind it, Batman later enters Lex Home to take evidence, as superman keeps watch. they find the evidence before lex leaves the country, having billions on his offshore account, the rest of his money being donated to Metropolis to help the poorer areas. There will be more movies, but thats the Ideas so far
I'd never get to retain the IP rights, so I'd rather write for myself.
I like to write an "Martian Manhunter puts together a team comic" he spends the whole run scouting around and meeting characters to see if they'd make a good fit and every now and again he runs some missions with the team he's put together at that point
Another design would be a story about a character who has a similar style to The Question, discovering a child sex trafficing ring. The story will take place based upon the Hollywood sex trafficing theory, and on numerous pedophiles. The 7, would be Crowman(batman) American Captian(superman) in a gay relationship, Amazona(wonder women) being a Pedophile with a infatuiation with young men, Streak(Flash) the leader of this sex ring, White Ring(Green Lantern) a man who leads Race wars for profititing on charaties, Deep End (Aquaman) a enviormentalist who funds eco terrorist privately, and Zeus (Shazam) a young man who profits on Superheros to fill the gap of him not having a family, The main character will start increadibally bigoted, but ending the story of him changing his world view, he will be called the detective, as he helps the poorer communities, as the police turn a blind eye, he will later be funded by Crow man, though crowman will dislike him as he assults one of his sons, trying to escape
sure, if they pay me
wouldn't draw, save that for my own stuff, but writing is super fucking easy
don't give a fuck what character
I'd bring back Sideways and also write a new new new new Teen Titans with him on it as well as Jon.
Id love to write Daredevil but my dream artist to work with me on it would be Dave Gibbons. Realistically speaking I'd take Liam Sharpe.
Things I'd like to write
>Nightcrawler MAX series where he is a real Catholic priests who hunts down pedophiles in the church
>Dr. Strange story where he fights Yandroth and the main theme is Dr. Strange's spirituality vs. Yandroth's atheism
>Xavin solo comic that is half romantic comedy, half space opera, and ultimately brings Xavin back into the Runaways
>If you could write for the Big 2, would you?
Absolutely. It's one of my dreams actually. I'd much rather write for DC though.
>Would you want a specific character/team
Of course. I'd kill to write Superman, finally give him the 'iconic' run I feel like he deserves, that synthesizes his whole history but while also injecting a ton of new ideas in there as well, including a new villain here and there and a villain revamp or two as well. Wonder Woman, I'd love to do for her what Geoff Johns did for GL. Speaking of, I'd kill to write him too, introduce some new Lanterns and write a bunch of crazy space stuff rooted in old school sci-fi, with a dash of the Johns emotional spectrum stuff too.
I really have a ton of ideas for existing DC characters already but probably the most ambitious is to do a big, huge saga thing with DC's magical characters, kinda like what DnA did with cosmic Marvel, with Zatanna as the central character or at least one of the central characters and at the same time, really make her come into her own as an independent superhero.
I've also got some Elseworlds ideas, like a world where all the superheroes were anime-style super robot mech pilots. Or a long-running Golden Age Superman book, set in the modern day.
> or would you try and make your OC a thing and hope they stick
I have some other ideas of my own. But honestly, surprisingly enough, I have nothing so far as big, original OCs. I do have a bunch of side characters I'd like to introduce though, along with some neat concepts like locations and stuff.
I got an interview with the editor in chief at Marvel, told him I wanted to continue Peni Parker off the movie iteration.
He told me it was a pretty good idea and that he'd get back to me about becoming a writer/artist. Never heard anything back from him.
I guess dreams don't come true.