Could the Avengers or the Justice League defeat the Langoliers? The eat all of reality, including time.
Could the Avengers or the Justice League defeat the Langoliers? The eat all of reality, including time
They eat the past, not the present or future.
Maybe? We don't really know how powerful the Langoliers actually are. And besides that, they're fulfilling a cosmic function in doing what they're doing. They're hardly malign or actually dangerous unless you fall 'between the cracks' and thus end up slated for consumption.
Probably, but they would have to build up to it or something, even if the original Avengers get sacrificed, thus needing avenging themselves
>throw Langoliers into the past
>wait for twice as many Langoliers to show up
>wait for so many Langoliers to be thrown to the same point in the past that they all starve to death due to overpopulation
Man I fucking love this story. The miniseries is a little cheesy, but it's still a fun watch.
Can Langoliers starve? With their ability to eat the past and time itself, it doesn't really seem possible for them to actually starve to death.
I also recall something in the original story stating that what we see aren't actually the Langoliers, but the closest thing our mind can equate to them.
Just sacrifice the first time traveler they have on hand.
So who would be left the avenge the Avengers?
Have you ever subjected yourself to modern capeshit? Those are the stakes every other month
I'm pretty sure Knull can defeat them.
Dude, Doctor Strange is currently an Avenger and he deals with this shit for a living
The coast guard?
When Superman put Doomsday at The End of Time, if Superman put langoliers there, would langoliers eat Doomsday? Or would Doomsday evolve to become uneatable by langoliers???
Doctor Strange could. It's exactly his bag. Doctor Fate would probably get his ass whooped at first, then finally get some help and win.
Strange is also currently weaker than he's been in decades. Whilst he could likely take on the Langoliers, it's a bad idea to rely on him or every eldritch threat that comes around. Especially when he's likely to sell parts of his soul to even worse things on a dime.
The Doctor had a hard time with them. Things got more timey wimey than usual for him to even get away from them.
The langoleers you threw back wouldn't belong when you sent them. They would submit to being eaten by the rightful langoleers of that instant.
Those were Reapers, which are pretty much thematically identical, right down to eating time and space.
I don't think Doomsday has demonstrated the level of adaptation to resist getting eaten by the Langoliers.
>including time
Do they eat that time they ate time? Do they eat themselves out of existence?
They exist in the shell of an instant. When it's residual time runs out, they clean up the non-event mass then stop existing.
When someone writes about time in the einsteinian manner, it will come out as retarded no matter what. And that is not even touching on how you cannot truly create or destroy anything.
They only really exist for the very moment they need to eat something that is already past. When that's done, they cease existing again until today becomes yesterday and tomorrow fades into the annals of the past, at which point they come out to clean up once again.
Any unfortunate souls caught in these dead moments are just simple collateral.
Like they'd ever interact.
This. Reality is being destroyed regularly every Tuesday in cape comics.
Time is always flowing, they are constantly eating
Much like real janitors, they never rest.
Superman faces a similar Time-Eater in All-Star.
Yeah, but now there is a legion of them.
Superman could probably eat them all. He wins most eating contests.
That's the spirit. Side note: DC should go balls to the wall crazy with Superman tales. Just get nuts.
so how the fuck do they "eat the past"?
do they eat every second that's past, every nanosecond, every planck time, or do they eat every single multiverse at once?
Yup. Each one is a timestop with no animals or people that gets eaten.